These cluster definition examples demonstrate how to create customized Docker Enabled Cluster with Windows on Microsoft Azure.
- Kubernetes Windows Walkthrough - shows how to create a hybrid Kubernetes Windows enabled Docker cluster on Azure.
- Building Kubernetes Windows binaries - shows how to build kubernetes windows binaries for use in a Windows Kubernetes cluster.
- kubernetes.json - this is the simplest case for a 2-node Windows Kubernetes cluster
- kubernetes-custom-image.json - example using an existing Azure image for Windows nodes.
- kubernetes-shared-image.json - example using an Azure image from a shared image gallery for Windows nodes.
- kubernetes-custom-vhd.json - example using a custom VHD (uploaded to an Azure storage account or other accessible location) for Windows nodes.
- kubernetes-hybrid.json - example with both Windows & Linux nodes in the same cluster
- kubernetes-hyperv.json - example with 2 Windows nodes with the experimental Hyper-V isolation support enabled. Learn more about about RuntimeClasses for hyper visor selection.
- kubernetes-wincni.json - example using kubenet plugin on Linux nodes and WinCNI on Windows
- kubernetes-windows-version.json - example of how to build a cluster with a specific Windows patch version