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This repository contains the Matpower files of a synthetic network model for National Electricity Market (NEM) of Australia.

  • `snem2000.m' contains synthetic network data for all states.
  • `snem1803.m' contains synthetic network data for the mainland sub-network.
  • `snem197.m' contains synthetic network data for Tamania sub-network.
  • `snem2000_acdc.m' contains synthetic network data for all states, including three hvdc interconnectors and converter stations.
  • `snem2000_tnep' contains nine transmission network expansion line candidates.

The data set development algorithm and technical report can be found at, with CSIRO Data Access Portal release at The network data are also available at


A webinar presenting the model and proof-of-concept studies is availabel at


MATPOWER solves the cases using either IPOPT or Artelys Knitro with the default parameters.

  • r = runopf('snem2000', mpoption('verbose', 2, '', 'IPOPT'));
  • r = runopf('snem2000', mpoption('verbose', 2, '', 'KNITRO'));

The default MIPS solver can also solve the problem with on step-size control and increase the number of iterations.

  • e.g. r = runopf('snem2000', mpoption('verbose', 2, 'mips.step_control', 1, 'mips.max_it', 400));

Proof-of-concept studies

Several scripts are provided to showcase how the data can be used for research studies:

  • PowerModels: Optimal power flow relaxations using PowerModels.jl
  • PowerModelsACDC: Optimal power flow relaxations of the netowrk with HVDC lines using PowerModelsACDC.jl
  • PowerSimulations: Unit commitment and economic dispatch studies using PowerSimulations.jl
  • PowerModels_tnep: Transmission network expansion planning study using PowerModels.jl
  • SecurityConstrained: Study of security constrained optimal power flow using PowerModelsACDCsecurityconstrained.jl


This data is licensed under CC-BY (


  • Rahmat Heidari
  • Ghulam Mohy Ud Din
  • Hakan Ergun
  • Matthew Amos
  • Frederik Geth


R. Heidari, M. Amos and F. Geth, "An Open Optimal Power Flow Model for the Australian National Electricity Market," 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia), Auckland, New Zealand, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ISGTAsia54891.2023.10372618.


We express our gratitude to Dr. Felipe Arraño-Vargas and Dr. Georgios Konstantinou who released the original data used in this study, and for their ongoing support and advice on gaining insights from the data. The original S-NEM2300bus benchmark data and sotftware are licensed under BSD and as part of the following work:

  • F. Arraño-Vargas and G. Konstantinou, "Modular Design and Real-Time Simulators Toward Power System Digital Twins Implementation," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, doi: 10.1109/TII.2022.3178713 (
  • F. Arraño-Vargas and G. Konstantinou, "Synthetic Grid Modeling for Real-Time Simulations," 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia), 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ISGTAsia49270.2021.9715654 (