- Left joystick up - move forwards
- Left joystick down - move backwards
- Left joystick left - stride left
- Left joystick right - stride right
- Right joystick left - rotate anticlockwise
- Right joystick right - rotate clockwise
System State Transition: Controls OpenSHC system state. Press to start/suspend/resume control.
Robot State Increment: Increments robot state. Press to transition forward through possible robot states. (i.e. PACKED->READY->RUNNING)
Robot State Decrement: Decrements robot state. Press to transition backward through possible robot states. (i.e. RUNNING->READY->PACKED)
Gait Cycle Selection: Cycles through possible gait selections defined in config/gait.yaml. (defaults include Wave, Amble, Ripple and Tripod)
Manual Posing Mode Selection: Cycles through manual body posing modes. Use the right joystick for adjusting the pose.
- NO POSING: No posing input.
- X Y POSING: Linear translational posing in the x-axis and y-axis of the robot frame.
- PITCH ROLL POSING: Angular rotational posing about he x-axis (roll) and y-axis (pitch) of the robot frame.
- Z YAW POSING: Right Linear translational posing in the z-axis and angular rotational posing about the z-axis (yaw) of the robot frame.
- EXTERNAL POSING: Posing input from external source
Cruise Control Mode Toggle: Starts/Stops cruise control mode. Cruise control sets a constant input velocity dependent on the parameter values defined in config/hexapod.yaml
Auto-Navigation Mode Toggle: Starts/Stops auto navigation mode. Auto navigation required correct sensing capabilities and syropod auto navigation.
Pose Reset Mode: Reset all current body poses to zero. (according to current posing mode)
Parameter Selection: Cycles through possible adjustable parameter selections.
Parameter Adjustment: Adjusts selected parameter by incrementing/decrementing according to adjustment step amount defined in config/hexapod.yaml.