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Visualizing results with iSEE

Charlotte Soneson edited this page Apr 24, 2019 · 17 revisions

The objects stored in the output file of the workflow (<output_directory>/outputR/shiny_sce.rds) can be directly used as input to the iSEE package in order to generate a shiny application where the results can be viewed. After installing iSEE, the following code will start a shiny application where you can browse the results:


sce <- readRDS("<output_directory>/outputR/shiny_sce.rds")

# sce on gene level
sce_g <- sce$sce_gene

# sce on transcript level
sce_t <- sce$sce_tx

# for example to see results on gene level
app <- iSEE(sce_g)

Further customization

The iSEE package is highly customizable and full details are available from the package landing page:

An example panel customization with a set of standard RNA-seq visualizations is provided in the chiron_realdataworkflow branch in E-MTAB-7029/run_iSEE.R. Note that the code in this script is adapted to the E-MTAB-7029 data set (e.g., in terms of file paths, reference files, sample IDs and contrasts of interest), and thus should only be considered as an example.