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GutenBee - WordPress Plugin

Premium Blocks for WordPress

Table of Contents


Development must be made in short-lived branches. When a feature is complete, its branch should be merged into main and get deleted. The main branch should remain stable at all times.

Install nvm and yarn on your machine.

While developing, inside the plugin folder run:

nvm use
yarn start


Run yarn build before releasing an update.

Updating readme.txt without releasing a new version

Updating the .org's readme.txt file via Github is not possible. Instead, it should be done via Subversion. The following guide assumes your git repositories reside in a git folder, and your svn repositories in an svn folder. Replace as necessary.

Easiest way, more local files

If you don't have one already, checkout a working copy of the whole repo:

cd svn
svn checkout

Assuming 1.0.2 as the latest released version, make your changes in 3 files (edit in git, copy/paste in the others):

  1. In git's copy of git/gutenbee/readme.txt
  2. In svn's svn/gutenbee/trunk/readme.txt
  3. In svn's svn/gutenbee/tags/1.0.2/readme.txt.


  1. Commit and push git/gutenbee via git.
  2. Commit svn/gutenbee via svn.

Harder way, less local files

Assuming you don't have a working copy of the whole repo, run this to only get the basic structure:

cd svn
svn checkout --depth=immediates
cd gutenbee
svn update trunk --set-depth=infinity
svn update tags --set-depth=immediates

Now, if you want to see the files of the 1.0.2 tag, do:

cd tags
svn update 1.0.2 --set-depth=infinity

You should see a list of files added.

Now edit the 3 copies of the readme.txt and commit, as described above (in the Easiest way section).

Finally, to get rid of the tag's files, do:

cd tags
svn update 1.0.2 --set-depth=empty

You should see a list of files removed.

Releasing new versions to

Before releasing a new version (e.g. 1.0.2), make sure main is ready to be released. This includes:

  • Make sure files inside the build folder are ready for release. Open them and check they are minified. If not, run the build step above.
  • In gutenbee.php the plugin header Version: number is set to 1.0.2
  • Also in gutenbee.php the constant GUTENBEE_PLUGIN_VERSION number is set to 1.0.2
  • The language file languages/gutenbee.pot has been updated, if needed.
  • The readme.txt file has:
    • Tested up to: is set to the latest WordPress version.
    • Stable tag: is set to 1.0.2
    • A changelog entry for 1.0.2 has been created at the bottom of the file.

Then we need to create a new Release.

  • Choose a tag: Type in the exact new version number without a v, i.e. 1.0.2, and click on the + Create new tag: 1.0.2 on publish
  • Release title: Type in the exact new version number without a v.
  • Target: Normally should be main, unless we need to release a hotfix off of a branch.
  • Description: The release's changelog.
  • Publish release: Upon publishing a release, a Github action will run which will:
    • Release the plugin in
    • Generate a zip file and attach it to the newly created release.