This Markdown document specifies the API implemented by the blackwood bridge system. It is currently in a stage of early development and should not be taken as gospel.
All arrays, such as "bids", "tricks", etc, are ordered ascending by age. That is, the most recent card should be FIRST in the trick, as it is most likely the only one an intelligent application will need.
Player: { "id": number, "name" : name } | "Guest"
Bid: { "player": "north"/"south" ... ,
"bid": { "suit" : "spades"/...
"level": number} | "Pass",
( "modifier": "alert"/"stop",)
Trick: { "originator": "north"/... ,
"cards": [ Card, ... ] // beginning with the latest
Card: { "number": "two"/.../"king"/"ace",
"suit": "spades"/...
Any of these can give 401 for users not logged in, or 403 for users that are not allowed to do the action. Logging in is not yet specified.
Arrays are again in reversed-time order.
GET '/games/[id]' => { "players": { "north" : Player,
"south" : Player, ... },
( "player": "north"/... ,)
( "bids": [ Bid, Bid, ... ],)
( "trump": "spades"/..."notrump",)
( "tricks": [ Trick, Trick, ...],)
( "trick": [ Card, ...],)
} | 404 NOT FOUND "no such game"
- "player" specifies whose turn it is to make a play / bid.
- "players" only contains the players that have joined.
- "bids" and "player" exist if and only if "players" is full.
- If there are thirteen tricks on the table, the game is considered over. In this case, there is no "player" object, and no further requests should be submitted.
- "trump" and "tricks" exist only if bidding has finished.
- "trick" only exists if it is nonempty.
POST '/games' => { "game": id }
POST '/games/[id]/bids' Bid => updated "bids" object | 409 CONFLICT error
PUT '/games/[id]/trick/[n]' Card => new "trick" object | 409 CONFLICT error
- The new trick object MUST contain the specified Card if it is valid.
POST '/games/[id]/trick/[n]' CARD => updated "trick" object | 409 CONFLICT error
- error bodies
- figure out auth
- figure out utils for tournament play (fixed seeds, restricted entry, etc)