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Releases: ctreffe/alfred

Alfred v1.0.1

16 Mar 01:33
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  • Fixed a bug that caused a mixup with filepaths for web experiments hosted with mortimer.

Alfred Version 1.0

15 Mar 22:35
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alfred v1.0

Breaking changes

Port to Python 3

  • One of the most important changes for us is the port from Python 2.7 to Python 3, which will ensure ongoing support for the coming years.
  • You can find key differences listed here:
    • All strings in Python 3 are unicode by default. In Python 2.7, strings with umlauts like ä, ö or ü needed to be preceded by a u to turn them into unicode-strings: u"Example strüng.". This often lead to unnecessary errors and is not necessary anymore.
    • Printing works a little differently. You used to be able to print output to the console with a command like print "this string". This syntax is now deprecated and will throw an error. From now on, you need to use the print statement like any normal function: print("this string").

New class names

  • Page replaces WebCompositeQuestion
  • Section replaces QuestionGroup
  • SegmentedSection replaces SegmentedQG
  • HeadOpenSection repladces HeadOpenQG
  • These changes should clarify the functionality of the corresponding classes.

Switch from lowerCamelCase to underscore_case

  • Throughout alfreds complete code base, we switched from lowerCamelCase to underscore_case. ATTENTION: This affects almost every line of code!
  • This change reflects our effort to adhere to PEP 8 Styleguide (PEP - click for more info). Some excerpts:
    • Class names should normally use the CapWords convention.
    • Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability.
    • Variable names follow the same convention as function names.
    • Method names and instance variables: Use the function naming rules: lowercase with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability.

New names for existing features

  • Page.on_showing() replaces WebCompositeQuestion.onShowingWidget() (Alfred v0.2b5 name).
  • Page.append() replaces WebCompositeQuestion.addElement() and WebCompositeQuestion.addElements() (Alfred v0.2b5 names).
  • Page.get_page_data() is a new shortcut for WebCompositeQuestion._experiment.dataManager.findExperimentDataByUid() (Alfred v0.2b5 name), a method for accessing data from a previous page inside an on_showing hook.
  • Section.append() replaces QuestionGroup.appendItem() and QuestionGroup.appendItems() (Alfred v0.2b5 names).
  • Experiment.append() replaces Experiment.questionController.appendItem() and Experiment.questionController.appendItems() (Alfred v0.2b5 names).
  • Experiment.change_final_page() is a new shortcut for Experiment.pageController.appendItemToFinishQuestion() (Alfred v0.2b5 name), a method for changing the final page of on exp.

Experiment metadata

  • There is a new section [metadata] in config.conf, which includes the following information:
    • title: The experiment title (previously called experiment name)
    • author: The experiment author
    • version: The experiment version
    • exp_id: The experiment ID (IMPORTANT: This ID is used to identify your experiment data, if you set up a local alfred experiment to save data to the mortimer database. It is not used, if you deploy your experiment as a web experiment via mortimer.)
  • alfred.Experiment no longer takes the arguments expType, expName and expVersion. Instead, these metadata are now defined in the config.conf, section [metadata].
  • To process metadata in mortimer, the following changes need to be implemented in
    • def generate_experiment(config=None) (the function gets a new parameter config, which defaults to None)
    • exp = Experiment(config=config) (the experiment should be initialized with the parameter config, defaulting to config, which gets handed down from the generate_experiment function.)

File import

  • Importing a file from the project directory now always needs to take place within the generate_experiment() function. This is necessary for compatibility with the newest version of mortimer. This way, we can handle multiple resources directories.

New Features

Define navigation button text in config.conf

  • config.conf gets a new section [navigation] that lets you define forward, backward, and finish button texts.

New recommended style

  • Removed the need to define a script class (class Script(object)), saving one layer of indentation
  • Removed the need to end a script with generate_experiment = Script().generate_experiment
  • Removed the need to define expName and expVersion inside script
  • Recommended style: Define a new class for every page in your experiment. This has a couple of advantages:
    • No difference between defining static pages and dynamic pages anymore. This lowers the hurdle for creating dynamic experiments.
    • Separation of experiment structure and experiment content is enhanced, which should clarify the
    • Code reuse is facilitated (Pages can be reused)


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from alfred import Experiment
from import Page
import alfred.element as elm
import alfred.section as sec

class HelloWorld(Page):
    def on_showing(self):
        hello_text = elm.TextEntryElement('Please enter some text.')

def generate_experiment(self, config):
    exp = Experiment(config=config)

    hello_world = HelloWorld(title='Hello, world!')

    main = sec.Section()

    return exp

Increased security for local experiments

  • We implemented a three-step process to access database login data. The first two options make it much safer to share your code, e.g. on the OSF, because you don't have to worry about accidentally sharing secrets anymore.
    • Provide login data in environment variables (new, recommended)
    • Provide encrypted login data in config.conf (new, recommended)
    • Provide raw login data in config.conf (not recommended, use only for testing)
  • If your databse is correctly equipped with a valid commercial SSL certificate, you can now set the option use_ssl = true in the section [mongo_saving_agent] of your config.conf to enable a secure connection via SSL. You can also use self-signed SSL certificates, if you set the option ca_file_path to the file path of your Certificate Authority (CA) public key file (often a .pem file).


  • Page.values is a dictionary that serves as a container for pages. You can use it for example to create pages using loops and if-statements. More on how to use it can soon be found in the wiki. It is a special dictionary that allows for element access (reading and writing) via dot-notation.


# (imports)

class Welcome(Page):
    def on_showing(self):
        text01 = TextElement(self.values.text01, name='text01')

def generate_experiment(self, config=None):
    exp = Experiment(config=config)

    page = Welcome(title='page01', uid='page01')
    page.values.text01 = 'text01'

    return exp


Deprecated function (alfred v0.2b5 name) Replaced by
WebCompositeQuestion.onShowingWidget() Page.on_showing()
WebCompositeQuestion.onHidingWidget() Page.on_hiding()
WebCompositeQuestion.addElement() Page.append()
WebCompositeQuestion.addElements() Page.append()
QuestionGroup.appendItem() Section.append()
QuestionGroup.appendItems() Section.append()
Experiment.questionController.appendItem() Experiment.append()
Experiment.questionController.appendItems() Experiment.append()

Bug fixes and other changes

  • Improved handling of browser commands. In web experiments, subjects used to be able to cause trouble by using the browser controls (forward, backward, refresh) instead of the experiment controls at the bottom of the page to move through an experiment. In some cases, this could render the subject's data unusable. Now, when a subject uses the browser controls, Alfred will always return the current state of the experiment. This way, no more data should be lost.
  • Fixed a saving agent bug. When quickly moving through an experiment, the saving agent sometimes didn't complete it's tasks correctly and basically crashed. This does not happen anymore.

Removed features

  • No more pure QT experiments. We completely removed pure QT experiments from the framework. Those have recently seen very little use and have some drawbacks compared to web experiments and qt-webkit (qt-wk) experiments.

Alfred for Python 3

08 May 20:02
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Alfred for Python 3 Pre-release

This is the first release of a new version of the Alfred framework compatible with Python 3.

0.2b5 - legacy release

28 Sep 07:37
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Legacy release of version 0.2b5 for citation purposes on Zenodo.