diff --git a/crons/voyager_updater.py b/crons/voyager_updater.py
index 3ad1bf1..61b4531 100644
--- a/crons/voyager_updater.py
+++ b/crons/voyager_updater.py
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
from configparser import ConfigParser
from pathlib import Path
+from lxml import etree
from .aspace_client import ArchivesSpaceClient
from .helpers import validate_against_schema, yesterday_utc
@@ -38,7 +40,6 @@ class UpdateRepository(object):
def __init__(self, as_client, repo):
self.export_params = {
"include_unpublished": False,
- "include_daos": True,
self.as_client = as_client
self.repo = repo
@@ -55,30 +56,17 @@ def updated_marc(self, timestamp=None):
marc_response = self.as_client.aspace.client.get(
- if not validate_against_schema(marc_response.content, "MARC21slim"):
+ marc_record = MarcRecord(bibid, marc_response)
+ if not marc_record.validate_marc:
print(f"{bibid}: Invalid MARC")
+ # marc_root = etree.fromstring(marc_response.content)
+ # yield marc_root
+ yield marc_response.content
# print(bibid)
# print(marc)
except Exception as e:
print(bibid, e)
- def all_cul(self):
- # add 965noexportAUTH to 965
- # make sure bibid is 001 tag, not 099 tag
- pass
- def cul_except_books(self):
- # NNC
- # reformat 035 CULASPC to local practice - (NNC)CULASPC:voyager:
- pass
- def barnard(self):
- # maybe: add 965noexportAUTH to 965
- # make sure bibid is 001 tag,
- # match default 035 with what's in barnard
- # overall -- review our customizations
- pass
def updated_resources(self, timestamp):
resource_ids = self.as_client.aspace.client.get(
@@ -92,7 +80,125 @@ def updated_resources(self, timestamp):
def get_bibid(self, resource):
if resource.id_0.isnumeric():
return resource.id_0
- elif resource.user_defined.integer_1.isnumeric():
- return resource.user_defined.integer_1
+ elif getattr(resource, "user_defined"):
+ if getattr(resource.user_defined, "integer_1"):
+ return resource.user_defined.integer_1
+ else:
+ return False
return False
+class MarcRecord(object):
+ """docstring for MarcRecord"""
+ def __init__(self, bibid, marc_response):
+ """Set up MARC record.
+ Args:
+ marc_response (obj): response from ASpace API
+ """
+ self.bibid = bibid
+ self.marc_record = etree.fromstring(marc_response.content)
+ self.namespaces = {None: "http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim"}
+ def validate_marc(self):
+ validate_against_schema(self.marc_response.content, "MARC21slim")
+ def all_records(self):
+ # make sure bibid is in 001 tag
+ # update leader
+ # QUESTION: do we need to change namespace?
+ pass
+ def add_controlfield_001(self):
+ if not self.marc_record.find(
+ ".//controlfield[@tag='001']", namespaces=self.namespaces
+ ):
+ leader_element = self.marc_record.find(
+ ".//leader", namespaces=self.namespaces
+ )
+ leader_element_index = leader_element.getparent().index(leader_element)
+ controlfield_001 = etree.Element("controlfield", tag="001")
+ controlfield_001.text = self.bibid
+ leader_element.getparent().insert(
+ leader_element_index + 1, controlfield_001
+ )
+ def add_controlfield_003(self):
+ if not self.marc_record.find(
+ ".//controlfield[@tag='003']", namespaces=self.namespaces
+ ):
+ controlfield_003 = etree.Element("controlfield", tag="003")
+ controlfield_003.text = "NNC"
+ controlfield_001 = self.marc_record.find(
+ ".//controlfield[@tag='001']", namespaces=self.namespaces
+ )
+ controlfield_001_index = controlfield_001.getparent().index(
+ controlfield_001
+ )
+ controlfield_001.getparent().insert(
+ controlfield_001_index + 1, controlfield_003
+ )
+ def update_datafield_035_culaspc(self):
+ datafield_035_subfield_a = self.marc_record.find(
+ ".//datafield[@tag='035']/subfield[@code='a']", namespaces=self.namespaces
+ )
+ if datafield_035_subfield_a.text == f"CULASPC-{self.bibid}":
+ datafield_035_subfield_a.text = f"(NNC)CULASPC:voyager:{self.bibid}"
+ def update_datafield_100(self):
+ datafield_100 = self.marc_record.find(
+ './/datafield[@tag="100"]', namespaces=self.namespaces
+ )
+ subfield_d = datafield_100.find(
+ './subfield[@code="d"]', namespaces=self.namespaces
+ )
+ if subfield_d:
+ subfield_d.text = subfield_d.text.rstrip(
+ ",."
+ ) # Remove trailing comma or period
+ # TODO: do we need to remove punctuation from subfield_a if there's no subfield_d?
+ subfield_e = datafield_100.find(
+ './subfield[@code="e"]', namespaces=self.namespaces
+ )
+ if subfield_e:
+ datafield_100.remove(subfield_e)
+ def update_datafield_856(self):
+ datafield_856 = self.marc_record.find(
+ './/datafield[@tag="856"]', namespaces=self.namespaces
+ )
+ subfield_z = datafield_856.find(
+ './subfield[@code="z"]', namespaces=self.namespaces
+ )
+ if subfield_z:
+ datafield_856.remove(subfield_z)
+ subfield_3 = etree.Element("subfield", code="3")
+ subfield_3.text = "Finding aid"
+ datafield_856.append(subfield_3)
+ def add_965noexportAUTH(self):
+ datafield_965 = etree.Element("datafield", tag="965")
+ subfield_a = etree.Element("subfield", code="a")
+ subfield_a.text = "965noexportAUTH"
+ datafield_965.append(subfield_a)
+ self.marc_record[0].append(datafield_965)
+ def cul(self):
+ # add 965noexportAUTH to 965
+ # update 856
+ # make sure bibid is 001 tag, not 099 tag
+ # NNC
+ # reformat 035 CULASPC to local practice
+ pass
+ def barnard(self):
+ # TODO: ask LIT - are we adding 003 for barnard?
+ # maybe: add 965noexportAUTH to 965
+ # make sure bibid is 001 tag,
+ # match default 035 with what's in barnard
+ # overall -- review our customizations
+ # ask about OCoLC numbers
+ pass