This project involved a lot of more mathematical problem solving in Python. I had to figure out how to manipulate the lists that I stored the matrices in to perform calculations. In doing this, I gained tons of experience working with list comprehension and lists in general. I also had to think very logically in order to figure out these solutions. As I built this project, I was learning more about linear algebra, machine learning, and modules in python such as numpy, and feel that this project gave me some further insight and problem solving abilities that helped my understanding overall. At times I was very frusturated trying to figure out how to code parts of this project. When I got frusturated, I failed to zoom out and think about what my goal is or what why my code is failing. I often saw that I couldn't solve problems because I wasn't taking the time to really think about them and instead wasted more time getting frusturated. I also saw that sometimes encountered problems with my code and would get frusturated trying to troubleshoot. I would search things up and keep trying solutions without putting too much thought into it. Whenever I figured out the problems, it was when I zoomed out and looked at what my code was really doing. For example, I got stuck on a problem while making the inverse function, because I was modifying the original matrix that I would need for further calculations instead of making a new matrix. This was a very valuable learning experience. In the future I will make sure to think through what I am doing and what I want my code to be doing. When I encounter problems, I will be sure to zoom out and understand why my code is failing by looking at what it's doing rather than letting myself get frusturated. This project greatly improved my problem solving abilities and exposed flaws in it. I will sure to be concious of these flaws in the future and to apply what I learned from this project in the future.
I'm beginning to drift away from relying on Jetbrains Academy. It is a great resource and projects like these challenge me to solve difficult problems and to really improve my problem solving abilities. In addition, the lessons and problems are great and have exposed me to learn a lot more about python and computer science. Although I will continue to do Jetbrains projects and lessons, I will more so focus on my own projects. I am planning to make a planner tool that would work on the command line and send me notifications. I am learning more about machine learning and am starting to teach myself about various frameworks and beginning to make my own projects. I am teaching myself web design and will build personal websites for myself and Patrick and Isadora.
This code lacks unity. I will organize this code better so all functions accept the matrices as input and then do functions with them. In the main function I will get the matrices. I didn't do this at first, but it comes in handy when I have to call functions within other functions.