OSNAP is a project designed and implemented for a group of customers with specific requirements on how they want to manage the assets in their business. This implementation is referred to as L.O.S.T., whick keeps track of assets, facilities of storage, where assets are located, transfer requests of assets between two facilities, and generating asset and transfer reports. All of these features have been implemented based on these clients' requests and have helped made business organization much easier for their company. The web application was designed and built over a ten week course for CIS 322 at the University of Oregon.
To run the application, you will need to install postgres 9.5., and Apache httpd-2.4.25 or a later version. You may run the install_daemons script provided to install the needed applications. Otherwise, follow the rest of the installation instructions below.
To install postgres, run the commands:
$ git clone https://github.com/postgres/postgres.git
$ cd postgres/
$ ./configure --prefix=$1
$ make
$ make install
where $1 is the install prefix.
To install Apache, run the commands:
$ curl -o httpd-2.4.25.tar.bz2 http://apache.mirrors.tds.net//httpd/httpd-2.4.25.tar.bz2
$ tar -xjf httpd-2.4.25.tar.bz2
$ cd httpd-2.4.25/
$ ./configure --prefix=$1
$ make
$ make install
where $1 is the install prefix.
To clone this repository, run the command:
$ git clone http://github.com/cvikupitz/OSNAP.git
First, create and start a database cluster on your machine with the following commands:
$ initdb -D $1
$ pg_ctl -D $1 -l logfile start
where $1 is the specified directory on your system to store the database.
Next, create the database by running:
$ createdb -p $1 $2
where $1 is the port number and $2 is the name of the database.
Finally, change into the OSNAP directory and run the preflight script by running:
$ ./preflight.sh $1
where $1 is the name of the database you created. Then run the command:
$ apachectl start
Open your browser and go to to use the web application. You may stop the web application by running:
$ apachectl stop
- clients/ - This sub-directory contains scripts for activating and deactivating users.
- doc/ - This sub-directory contains documentation on the design/implementation L.O.S.T.
- export/ - This sub-directory contains a script to run for exporting data from your database.
- import/ - This sub-directory contains a script to run for importing data into your database.
- sql/ - This sub-directory contains SQL scripts used to generate tables in the database.
- src/ - This sub-directory contains source files for the L.O.S.T. application.
- tesdoc/ - This sub-directory contains testing documents with use cases of the application.
- install_daemons.sh
- preflight.sh
|- clients
| |
| |- activate_user.py
| |- revoke_user.py
|- doc
| |
| |- derp_req.pdf
| |- doc.tgz
| |- lectures.tgz
| |- lost_req.pdf
| |- who_req.pdf
|- export
| |
| |- directory.py
| |- export_assets.py
| |- export_data.sh
| |- export_facilities.py
| |- export_transfers.py
| |- export_users.py
|- import
| |
| |- import_assets.py
| |- import_data.sh
| |- import_facilities.py
| |- import_transfers.py
| |- import_users.py
|- sql
| |
| |- create_tables.sql
|- src
| |
| |- static/
| | |
| | |- add_asset_icon.png
| | |- add_facility_icon.png
| | |- alien_icon.png
| | |- asset_report_icon.png
| | |- checkmark.png
| | |- dashboard_icon.png
| | |- dispose_asset_icon.png
| | |- password_icon.png
| | |- stop.png
| | |- transfer_report_icon.png
| | |- transfer_request_icon.png
| | |- user_icon.png
| |
| |- templates/
| | |
| | |- add_asset.html
| | |- add_facility.html
| | |- approve_req.html
| | |- asset_report.html
| | |- create_user.html
| | |- dashboard.html
| | |- dispose_asset.html
| | |- error.html
| | |- login.html
| | |- logout.html
| | |- message.html
| | |- transfer_report.html
| | |- transfer_req.html
| | |- update_transit.html
| |
| |- app.py
| |- config.py
| |- lost_config.json
| |- psql.py
| |- util.py
|- testdoc
| |
| |- rubric.pdf
| |- test_plan.pdf
| |- test_report_wk10.txt