diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f71bef7..6994226 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -43,24 +43,26 @@ in this one Discord Bot!
   ### Hypixel
 | **Command** | **Aliases** | **Description** | **Usage** | **Example** |
-| h!player | h!p, h!hypixel, h!h | Shows general Hypixel stats of a player | h!player [IGN]​ | h!player cxntered |
-| h!guild | h!g | Shows stats of a guild | h!guild [Guild]​ | h!guild Rebel |
-| h!bedwars | h!bw, h!b​ | Shows BedWars stats of a player | h!bedwars [IGN]​ | h!bedwars cxntered |
-| h!skywars | h!sw, h!s​ | Shows SkyWars stats of a player | h!skywars [IGN] | h!skywars cxntered |
-| h!duels | h!d​ | Shows Duels stats of a player | h!duels [Mode] [IGN]​ | h!duels classic cxntered |
-| h!uhc |  | Shows UHC stats of a player | h!uhc [IGN]​ | h!uhc cxntered |
-| h!speeduhc | h!suhc​ | Shows SpeedUHC stats of a player | h!speeduhc [IGN]​ | h!speeduhc cxntered |
-| h!blitzsurvivalgames | h!bsg, h!blitz, h!survivalgames, h!sg​ | Shows Blitz Survival Games stats of a player | h!blitzsurvivalgames [IGN]​ | h!blitzsurvivalgames cxntered |
-| h!buildbattle | h!bb, h!build​ | Shows Build Battle stats of a player | h!buildbattle [IGN]​ | h!buildbattle cxntered |
-| h!copsandcrims | h!c&c, h!cac, h!cvc, h!cops, h!crims | Shows Cops and Crims stats of a player | h!copsandcrims [IGN]​ | h!copsandcrims cxntered |
-| h!crazywalls | h!cw​ | Shows Crazy Walls stats of a player | h!crazywalls [IGN]​ | h!crazywalls cxntered |
-| h!megawalls | h!mw​ | Shows Mega Walls stats of a player | h!megawalls [IGN]​ | h!megawalls cxntered |
-| h!murdermystery | h!mm, h!murder, h!mystery​ | Shows Murder Mystery stats of a player | h!murdermystery [IGN]​ | h!murdermystery cxntered |
-| h!smashheroes | h!sh, h!smash​ | Shows Smash Heroes stats of a player | h!smashheroes [IGN]​ | h!smashheroes cxntered |
-| h!tntgames | h!tnt​ | Shows all TNT Games stats of a player | h!tntgames [IGN]​ | h!tntgames cxntered |
-| h!vampirez | h!vz, h!vampire, h!vampires, h!vampz​ | Shows VampireZ stats of a player | h!vampirez [IGN]​ | h!vampirez cxntered |
-| h!watchdog | h!wdr​ | Shows general Watchdog stats | h!watchdog​ | h!watchdog |
-| h!socials |  | Shows a player's social medias​ | h!socials [IGN]​ | h!socials cxntered |
+| h!player | h!p, h!hypixel, h!h | Shows general Hypixel stats of a player | h!player [IGN] | h!player cxntered |
+| h!guild | h!g | Shows stats of a guild | h!guild [Guild] | h!guild Rebel |
+| h!bedwars | h!bw, h!b | Shows BedWars stats of a player | h!bedwars [IGN] | h!bedwars cxntered |
+| h!skywars | h!sw, h!s | Shows SkyWars stats of a player | h!skywars [IGN] | h!skywars cxntered |
+| h!duels | h!d | Shows Duels stats of a player | h!duels [Mode] [IGN] | h!duels classic cxntered |
+| h!link | h!verify | Allows you to link your Minecraft account to Discord | h!link [IGN] | h!link cxntered |
+| h!unlink | h!unverify | Allows you to unlink your Minecraft account from your Discord | h!unlink | h!unlink |
+| h!uhc |  | Shows UHC stats of a player | h!uhc [IGN] | h!uhc cxntered |
+| h!speeduhc | h!suhc | Shows SpeedUHC stats of a player | h!speeduhc [IGN] | h!speeduhc cxntered |
+| h!blitzsurvivalgames | h!bsg, h!blitz, h!survivalgames, h!sg | Shows Blitz Survival Games stats of a player | h!blitzsurvivalgames [IGN] | h!blitzsurvivalgames cxntered |
+| h!buildbattle | h!bb, h!build | Shows Build Battle stats of a player | h!buildbattle [IGN] | h!buildbattle cxntered |
+| h!copsandcrims | h!c&c, h!cac, h!cvc, h!cops, h!crims | Shows Cops and Crims stats of a player | h!copsandcrims [IGN] | h!copsandcrims cxntered |
+| h!crazywalls | h!cw | Shows Crazy Walls stats of a player | h!crazywalls [IGN] | h!crazywalls cxntered |
+| h!megawalls | h!mw | Shows Mega Walls stats of a player | h!megawalls [IGN] | h!megawalls cxntered |
+| h!murdermystery | h!mm, h!murder, h!mystery | Shows Murder Mystery stats of a player | h!murdermystery [IGN] | h!murdermystery cxntered |
+| h!smashheroes | h!sh, h!smash | Shows Smash Heroes stats of a player | h!smashheroes [IGN] | h!smashheroes cxntered |
+| h!tntgames | h!tnt | Shows all TNT Games stats of a player | h!tntgames [IGN] | h!tntgames cxntered |
+| h!vampirez | h!vz, h!vampire, h!vampires, h!vampz | Shows VampireZ stats of a player | h!vampirez [IGN] | h!vampirez cxntered |
+| h!watchdog | h!wdr | Shows general Watchdog stats | h!watchdog | h!watchdog |
+| h!socials |  | Shows a player's social medias | h!socials [IGN] | h!socials cxntered |
@@ -69,10 +71,10 @@ in this one Discord Bot!
   ### Minecraft
 | **Command** | **Aliases** | **Description** | **Usage** | **Example** |
-| h!namehistory | h!nh, h!names | Shows name history of a player​ | h!namehistory [IGN] | h!namehistory cxntered |
-| h!uuid |  | Shows player's UUID​ | h!uuid [IGN]​ | h!uuid cxntered |
-| h!skin |  | Shows player's skin and lets you apply it​ | h!skin [IGN] | h!skin cxntered |
-| h!server | h!ip | Shows information about server​ | h!server [IP] | h!server mc.hypixel.net |
+| h!namehistory | h!nh, h!names | Shows name history of a player | h!namehistory [IGN] | h!namehistory cxntered |
+| h!uuid |  | Shows player's UUID | h!uuid [IGN] | h!uuid cxntered |
+| h!skin |  | Shows player's skin and lets you apply it | h!skin [IGN] | h!skin cxntered |
+| h!server | h!ip | Shows information about server | h!server [IP] | h!server mc.hypixel.net |
@@ -81,18 +83,18 @@ in this one Discord Bot!
   ### Utility
 | **Command** | **Aliases** | **Description** | **Usage** | **Example** |
-| h!help | h!commands, h!commandlist | Shows you a list of commands, and gives you further information about those commands​ | h!help \<Command\> | h!help |
-| h!info |  | Shows info about HyDiscord​ | h!info | h!info |
-| h!members |  | Shows you the current member count of the server you're in​ | h!members | h!members |
-| h!ping |  | Sends a little "Pong!" along with the time it took from when you sent the command to the message being sent​ | h!ping | h!ping |
+| h!help | h!commands, h!commandlist | Shows you a list of commands, and gives you further information about those commands | h!help <Command> | h!help |
+| h!info |  | Shows info about HyDiscord | h!info | h!info |
+| h!members |  | Shows you the current member count of the server you're in | h!members | h!members |
+| h!ping |  | Sends a little "Pong!" along with the time it took from when you sent the command to the message being sent | h!ping | h!ping |
 | h!links | h!invite | Sends you links related to HyDiscord | h!links | h!links |
-| h!vote |  | Sends you a link to vote for HyDiscord on Top.gg​ | h!vote | h!vote |
-| h!clear | h!purge | Deletes as many messages as you specify (Up to 100, and messages older than 14 days can't be deleted)​ | h!clear [1-100] | h!clear 10 |
-| h!ban |  | Bans a member you specify​ | h!ban [@User] | h!ban @cxntered |
-| h!kick |  | Kicks a member you specify​ | h!kick [@User] | h!kick @cxntered |
-| h!suggest | h!suggestion, h!suggestfeature | Lets you suggest a feature to be added to HyDiscord​ | h!suggest [Suggestion] | h!suggest Add verification! |
-| h!coinflip | h!cf | Flips a coin​ | h!coinflip | h!coinflip |
-| h!rng | h!random | Picks a random number between two numbers you choose​ | h!rng [Minimum] [Maximum]  | h!rng 1 10 |
+| h!vote |  | Sends you a link to vote for HyDiscord on Top.gg | h!vote | h!vote |
+| h!clear | h!purge | Deletes as many messages as you specify (Up to 100, and messages older than 14 days can't be deleted) | h!clear [1-100] | h!clear 10 |
+| h!ban |  | Bans a member you specify | h!ban [@User] | h!ban @cxntered |
+| h!kick |  | Kicks a member you specify | h!kick [@User] | h!kick @cxntered |
+| h!suggest | h!suggestion, h!suggestfeature | Lets you suggest a feature to be added to HyDiscord | h!suggest [Suggestion] | h!suggest Add verification! |
+| h!coinflip | h!cf | Flips a coin | h!coinflip | h!coinflip |
+| h!rng | h!random | Picks a random number between two numbers you choose | h!rng [Minimum] [Maximum]  | h!rng 1 10 |
 ## How was HyDiscord made?
@@ -103,12 +105,13 @@ HyDiscord was made using [node.js](https://nodejs.org), [discord.js](https://dis
 2. Create a bot.
 3. Copy the token and save it somewhere.
 4. Clone, fork or download the repository.
-5. Download Node.js [here](https://nodejs.org) (You can download any version but **Recommended** is recommended)
-6. Navigate to the repository in a terminal. (most terminals use `cd` to change directory)
-7. Run `npm i` in the terminal.
-8. Open the project in a text editor. (such as VS Code or Notepad++)
-9. Add your token and your API Key to `config.json` (you can get your API Key by logging onto `mc.hypixel.net` and running `/api new`)
-10. Run `node .` in a terminal.
+5. Download Node.js [here](https://nodejs.org) (Download the latest version)
+6. Set up MongoDB locally, (you might have to modify a bit of code since I coded it with MongoDB Atlas in mind) or, if you don't know how to do setup MongoDB you can follow the MongoDB Atlas setup guide
+7. Navigate to the repository in a terminal. (most terminals use `cd` to change directory)
+8. Run `npm i` in the terminal.
+9. Open the project in a text editor. (such as VS Code or Notepad++)
+10. Add your token, your API Key and your URI to `.env` in the `utils` folder (you can get your API Key by logging onto `mc.hypixel.net` and running `/api new`)
+11. Run `node .` in a terminal.
 HyDiscord should now be running.