缩写 | 原文 | 含义 |
cdf | Cumulative distribution function | 累积分布函数 |
CPD | Conditional probability distribution | 条件概率分布 |
CPT | Conditional probability table | 条件概率表 |
CRF | Conditional random field | 条件随机域 |
DAG | Directed acyclic graphic | 定向无环图 |
DGM | Directed graphical model | 定向图模型 |
EB | Empirical Bayes | 经验贝叶斯 |
EM | Expectation maximization algorithm | 期望最大化算法 |
EP | Expectation propagation | 期望传播 |
GLM | Generalized linear model | 广义线性模型 |
GMM | Gaussian mixture model | 高斯混合模型 |
HMM | Hidden Markov model | 隐性马尔科夫模型 |
iid | Independent and identically distributed | 独立同分布 |
iff | If and only if | 当且仅当 |
KL | Kullback Leibler divergence | KL散度 |
LDS | Linear dynamical system | 线性动力系统 |
LHS | Left hand side (of an equation) | 等式左边 |
MAP | Maximum A Posterior estimate | 最大后验估计 |
MCMC | Markov chain Monte Carlo | 马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗方法 |
MH | Metropolis Hastings | MH算法 |
MLE | Maximum likelihood estimate | 最大似然估计 |
MPM | Maximum of Posterior Marginals | 最大后验边缘 |
MRF | Markov random field | 马尔科夫随机域 |
MSE | Mean squared error | 均方误差 |
NLL | Negative log likelihood | 负对数似然率 |
OLS | Ordinary least squares | 普通最小二乘法 |
pd | Positive definite (matrix) | 正定(矩阵) |
Probability density function | 概率密度函数 | |
pmf | Probability mass function | 概率质量函数 |
RBPF | Rao-Blackwellised particle filter | Rao-Blackwell化粒子滤波算法 |
RHS | Right hand side (of an equation | 等式右边 |
RJMCMC | Reversible jump MCMC | 可逆跳变马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗方法 |
RSS | Residual sum of squares | 残差平方和 |
SLDS | Switching linear dynamical system | 可切换线性动力系统 |
SSE | Sum of squared errors | 误差平方和 |
UGM | Undirected graphical model | 无向图模型 |
VB | Variational Bayes | 变分贝叶斯 |
wrt | With respect to | 关于 |
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