Using class decorator to automatically attach instance to the window
The application source code uses a class decorator to automatically save any created instances on the window
object when running inside Cypress.
// src/components/TodoList.jsx
import { CypressInstances } from '../decorators'
export default class TodoItem extends Component {
During the test, we can get to that component using cy.window().its('TodoItem')
to check internal state or trigger component's methods.
// cypress/e2e/
it('creates Todo components', () => {
cy.window().its('TodoItem').should('have.length', 3)
// let's complete second todo
.its('1.props').then((props) => {
// UI updates
cy.get('li.todo').eq(1).should('have.class', 'completed')
Note: class decorators are an experimental JavaScript feature. In this recipe they are transpiled using Babel plugins in the .babelrc file.
There are two class decorators in the src/decorators/index.js file.
import {CypressSingleton, CypressInstances} from './decorators'
// use CypressSingleton if there is only one instance of a class
// for example Todo application only has a single input component
class TodoFormInput {
// from the test use
cy.window().its('input') // yields TodoFormInput
// there might be multiple Todo item components
class TodoItem {
// from the test use
cy.window().its('todos') // yields TodoItem[]