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252 lines (189 loc) · 7.48 KB

File metadata and controls

252 lines (189 loc) · 7.48 KB



The following is a hypothetical situation where a product catalog should be filterable on common qualities of products.

What we want to be able to do is pass in the following array to a filter to get the products that match:

        'name'       => '',   // a string to loosely match product names by
        'ean'        => '',   // a string to exactly match product EAN codes by
        'products'   => [],   // an array of product id integers
        'brands'     => [],   // an array of brand id integers to which the product must belong
        'categories' => [],   // an array of category id integers to which the product must belong

So that, for instance, to find all products that have 'enhanced' in their name, you would provide:

         'name' => 'enhanced',

Or to find all products belonging either to the category with id #3 and/or the categoy with id #4:

         'categories' => [ 3, 4 ],

Data structure

Let's say we have the following:

  • A products table with very basic product information, a name, EAN code and description. Model: Product.
  • A brands table. A Product has one Brand.
  • A categories table. A Product can belong to zero or more Categories. The pivot table follows the Laravel convention: category_product.

For details, see the migrations and models for this setup.

Filter Data

namespace App\Filters;

use Czim\Filter\FilterData;

class ProductData extends FilterData
    protected $rules = [
        'name'       => 'string|max:255',
        'ean'        => 'string|max:20',
        'products'   => 'array|each:exists,products,id',
        'brands'     => 'array|each:exists,brands,id',
        'categories' => 'array|each:exists,categories,id',

    protected $defaults = [
        'name'       => null,
        'ean'        => null,
        'products'   => [],
        'brands'     => [],
        'categories' => [],

Filter Class

namespace App\Filters;

use Czim\Filter\Filter;

use Czim\Filter\ParameterCounters;
use Czim\Filter\ParameterFilters;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder as EloquentBuilder;

class ProductFilter extends Filter
    protected $table = 'products';

    protected $filterDataClass = ProductData::class;

    protected function strategies(): array
        return [
            // Loosy string match
            'name'     => new ParameterFilters\SimpleString($this->table),
            // Exact string match
            'ean'      => new ParameterFilters\SimpleString($this->table, null, true),
            // simple integer column id matches
            'products' => new ParameterFilters\SimpleInteger($this->table, 'id'),
            'brands'   => new ParameterFilters\SimpleInteger($this->table, 'brand_id'),

        // Note that 'categories' is not present here,
        // so it will have to be handled in the applyParameter method.

     * @param string          $name
     * @param mixed           $value
     * @param EloquentBuilder $query
    protected function applyParameter(string $name, $value, $query)
        switch ($name) {

            // Categories requires a special implementation, it needs to join a pivot table.
            // This could have also been implemented as a custom ParameterFilter class,
            // but adding it to the applyParameter method works too.

            case 'categories':

                // The addJoin method will let the Filter add the join statements to the
                // query builder when all filter parameters are applied.
                // If you were to call addJoin with the same ('category_product') key name
                // again, it would only be added to the query once.

                $this->addJoin('category_product', [
                    'category_product.product_id', '=', ''

                $query->whereIn('category_product.product_category_id', $value)
                      ->distinct(); // Might have multiple matches per product

        // fallback to default: throws exception for unhandled filter parameter
        parent::applyParameter($name, $value, $query);



It might make sense to make this ProductFilter into a CountableFilter, which can return counts for brands and categories. For instance, you would pass in as filter data the following:

         'categories' => [ 3, 4 ],

And receive the alternative counts by calling getCountables() on the filter:

    // the toArray() of the CountResult returned:
        'brands' => [
            1 => 2,     // For products belonging to either Category #3 or #4,
            2 => 1,     // there are two Products for Brand #1, one for #2
            4 => 10,    // and ten for Brand #4. None for #3 or any other, in this case.
        'categories' => [
            1 => 5,     // These counts are the results for all products,
            2 => 3,     // since no other filter parameters are active but
            3 => 11,    // the one on categories. So this list gives the product
            4 => 8,     // counts for when the categories filter would not be applied.

To make this Filter work as a CountableFilter, change the ProductFilter class so that it extends CountableFilter instead:

use Czim\Filter\CountableFilter;

class ProductFilter extends CountableFilter

And add the following to it:

    // Only return counts for the brands and categories related
    protected $countables = [

     * @param string $parameter name of the countable parameter
     * @return EloquentBuilder
    protected function getCountableBaseQuery(?string $parameter = null)
        return \App\Product::query();

    protected function countStrategies(): array
        return [

            // For the given example call, this would return all
            // Brand id's with product counts for each; but only for
            // the subset that results from filtering by categories
            // (or any other filter parameter other than brands itself).

            'brands' => new ParameterCounters\SimpleBelongsTo(),

        // 'categories' is not present here either, since it
        // will similarly be handled in the countParameter method.

     * @param string          $parameter countable name
     * @param EloquentBuilder $query
     * @return mixed
    protected function countParameter(string $parameter, $query)
        switch ($parameter) {

            case 'categories':

                // The query that will be executed for this is modified to include
                // all parameters (in the example, none will be applied for categories,
                // so it would be the same as executing it on Product:: instead of the
                // $query parameter here.

                return $query->select('category_product.category_id AS id', \DB::raw('COUNT(*) AS count'))
                             ->join('category_product', 'category_product.product_id', '=', '')
                             ->pluck('count', 'id');


        return parent::countParameter($parameter, $query);