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File metadata and controls

204 lines (139 loc) · 6.05 KB


Microsoft Exchange E-mail Sender and Attachment Downloader.

Tested with Exchange server version 2010 SP2.

Attachment Downloader

  1. Connects to the specified Exchange server.
  2. Subscribes to streaming notifications of type NewMail in the specified folder.
  3. Downloads attachments from all existing e-mails (e-mails with attachments and subjects matching the specified filters).
  4. Downloads attachments from any new, matching e-mails.
  5. If the subscription closes, repeat from step 3.
  6. If any error occurs, crash (Windows Service Recovery should take care of restarting the service).

After all attachments are downloaded, the e-mail is deleted.

E-mail Sender

  1. Monitors the specified input path for files matching the *.email pattern.
  2. Reads, parses and sends e-mail based on the file contents.

After the e-mail is sent, the file is deleted.

The .email file should have the following format:

<header-name>: <header-value>

Available headers are:

  • Subject - sets the EmailMessage.Subject property.

  • Importance - sets the EmailMessage.Importance property (low, normal or high).

  • To, ToRecipients - adds recipients to the EmailMessage.ToRecipients list. Multiple recipients should be separated by a comma.

  • Cc, CcRecipients - adds recipients to the EmailMessage.CcRecipients list. Multiple recipients should be separated by a comma.

  • Bcc, BccRecipients - adds recipients to the EmailMessage.BccRecipients list. Multiple recipients should be separated by a comma.

  • From - sets the EmailMessage.From property.

  • ReplyTo - sets the EmailMessage.ReplyTo property.

  • Html - 1 or true if the e-mail body is HTML. If not specified, the body will still be sent as HTML but all new lines \n will be replaced with <br> and spaces at the beginning of each line will be replaced with &nbsp;.


.NET Framework

EWS Managed API


EwsMailDl can be run as a console application or a service application.


To run EwsMailDl as a console application, execute the following command:

EwsMailDl.exe <arguments>

where <arguments> is a list of the configuration arguments.

This mode is intended for testing purposes only.


To install EwsMailDl as a service, execute the following command:

EwsMailDl.exe /i <arguments>

where <arguments> is a list of the configuration arguments.

The serivce can be then started using the standard net start or sc start commands.

This mode is intended for use in production. The created EwsMailDl service should be configured to restart on failure (Recovery tab in the service's properties), because it will crash on any error.

To uninstall the service, execute the following command:

EwsMailDl.exe /u


Configuration arguments are specified in the following format:

/<arg-name-1>="<arg-value-1>" /<arg-name-2>="<arg-value-2>" ...

for example:

/quas="q" /wex="w" /exort="e"

Available configuration arguments are:

  • version - a version of the Exchange server we are connecting to. Valid values are: Exchange2010_SP1, Exchange2010_SP2 or Exchange2013. Defaults to Exchange2010_SP2.

  • url - an URL to the server's EWS. For example, if the server we're trying to connect to is, then the EWS URL should be:

  • username - a username of the e-mail account we're trying to connect to.

  • password - a password of the e-mail account we're trying to connect to.

  • lifetime - a number of minutes (between 1 and 30) the subscription notification is active on the server. Defaults to 30 minutes.

  • folderName - a name of the folder in the user's account we're going to be monitoring for e-mails. Can be a WellKnownFolderName or any other user-created folder. Defaults to Inbox.

  • folderId - an ID of the folder in the user's account we're going to be monitoring for e-mails. Optional. If specified, the folderName is not used.

  • inputPath - a path to a folder that should be monitored for .email files.

  • savePath - a path to a folder where the attachments should be downloaded to. Defaults to the current directory.

  • subject - a filter for the e-mails to download. Only e-mails with a subject containing the specified string will be taken into consideration (they must have attachments too). Can be specified multiple times. Multiple filters are concatenated using OR.

  • timestamp - determines whether to prepend <unix-timestamp>@ to the downloaded attachment file names, where <unix-timestamp> is the e-mail's date received as a UNIX timestamp. For example, attachment named Test.html that arrived at 2014-01-02 12:00:00 GMT will be saved as 1388664000000@Test.html.


Running from console:

EwsMailDl.exe ^
  /url="" ^
  /username="code1\foobar" ^
  /password="top $$$ecret" ^
  /folderName="Baz" ^
  /inputPath="C:/emails" ^
  /savePath="C:/attachments" ^
  /subject="FOO" ^
  /subject="BAR" ^

Sending a text e-mail:

Subject: Test text e-mail
Hello World!

Sending an HTML e-mail:

Subject: Test HTML e-mail
Html: 1
<h1>Hello World!</h1>


This project is released under the MIT License.