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MongoDB Persistence with Record

This chapter gives recipes for making use of MongoDB in your Lift application. Many of the code examples in this chapter can be found at

Connecting to a MongoDB Database


You want to connect to a MongoDB database.


Add the Lift MongoDB dependencies to your build and configure a connection using net.liftweb.mongodb and com.mongodb.

In build.sbt, add the following to libraryDependencies:

"net.liftweb" %% "lift-mongodb-record" % liftVersion

In Boot.scala, add:

import com.mongodb.{ServerAddress, Mongo}
import net.liftweb.mongodb.{MongoDB,DefaultMongoIdentifier}

val server = new ServerAddress("", 27017)
MongoDB.defineDb(DefaultMongoIdentifier, new Mongo(server), "mydb")

This will give you a connection to a local MongoDB database called mydb.


If your database needs authentication, use MongoDB.defineDbAuth:

MongoDB.defineDbAuth(DefaultMongoIdentifier, new Mongo(server),
  "mydb", "username", "password")

Some cloud services will give you a URL to connect to, such as mongodb:// In this case, the host and the port make up the first part, and the database name is the part after the /.

If you need to turn a URL like this into a connection, you can do so by using to parse the URL and make a connection:

object MongoUrl {

  def defineDb(id: MongoIdentifier, url: String) {

    val uri = new URI(url)

    val db = uri.getPath drop 1
    val server = new Mongo(new ServerAddress(uri.getHost, uri.getPort))

    Option(uri.getUserInfo).map(_.split(":")) match {
      case Some(Array(user,pass)) =>
        MongoDB.defineDbAuth(id, server, db, user, pass)
      case _ =>
        MongoDB.defineDb(id, server, db)



The full URL scheme for MongoDB is more complicated, allowing for multiple hosts and connection parameters, but the previous code handles optional username and password fields and may be enough to get you up and running with your MongoDB configuration.

The DefaultMongoIdentifier is a value used to identify a particular connection. Lift keeps a map of identifiers to connections, meaning you can connect to more than one database. The common case is a single database, and that is usually assigned to DefaultMongoIdentifier.

However, if you do need to access two MongoDB databases, you can create a new identifier and assign it as part of your record. For example:

object OtherMongoIdentifier extends MongoIdentifier {
  def jndiName: String = "other"

MongoUrl.defineDb(OtherMongoIdentifier, "mongodb://")

object Country extends Country with MongoMetaRecord[Country] {
  override def collectionName = ""
  override def mongoIdentifier = OtherMongoIdentifier

The lift-mongodb-record dependency itself depends on another Lift module, lift-mongodb, which provides connectivity and other lower-level access to MongoDB. Both bottom out with the MongoDB Java driver.

See Also

Connection configuration that includes replica sets and MongoDB options, such as timeout settings, are described on the Lift wiki.

The full MongoDB connection format is described in Connection String URI Format.

Storing a Hash Map in a MongoDB Record


You want to store a hash map in MongoDB.


Create a MongoDB record that contains a MongoMapField:

import net.liftweb.mongodb.record._
import net.liftweb.mongodb.record.field._

class Country private () extends MongoRecord[Country] with StringPk[Country] {
  override def meta = Country
  object population extends MongoMapField[Country,Int](this)

object Country extends Country with MongoMetaRecord[Country] {
  override def collectionName = ""

In this example, we are creating a record for information about a country, and the population is a map from a String key, representing a city in that country, to an Integer value, representing the population of that city.

We can use it in a snippet like this:

class Places {

  val uk = Country.find("uk") openOr {
    val info = Map(
      "Brighton" -> 134293,
      "Birmingham" -> 970892,
      "Liverpool" -> 469017)"uk").population(info).save

  def facts = "#facts" #> (
    for { (name,pop) <- } yield
      ".name *" #> name & ".pop *" #> pop

When this snippet is called, it looks up a record by _id of uk or creates it using some canned information. The template to go with the snippet could include:

<div data-lift="Places.facts">
   <tr id="facts">
    <td class="name">Name here</td><td class="pop">Population</td>

In MongoDB, the resulting data structure would be:

$ mongo cookbook
MongoDB shell version: 2.0.6
connecting to: cookbook
> show collections
  "_id" : "uk",
  "population" : {
    "Brighton" : 134293,
    "Birmingham" : 970892,
    "Liverpool" : 469017


If you do not set a value for the map, the default will be an empty map, represented in MongoDB as the following:

{ "_id" : "uk", "population" : { } }

An alternative is to mark the field as optional:

object population extends MongoMapField[Country,Int](this) {
  override def optional_? = true

If you now write the document without a population set, the field will be omitted in MongoDB:

{ "_id" : "uk" }

To append data to the map from your snippet, you can modify the record to supply a new Map:

uk.population( + ("Westminster"->81766)).update

Note that we are using update here, rather than save. The save method is pretty smart and will either insert a new document into a MongoDB collection or replace an existing document based on the _id. Update is different: it detects just the changed fields of the document and updates them. It will send this command to MongoDB for the document:

{ "$set" : { "population" : { "Brighton" : 134293 , "Liverpool" : 469017 ,
  "Birmingham" : 970892 , "Westminster" : 81766} }

You’ll probably want to use update over save for changes to existing records.

To access an individual element of the map, you can use get (or value):

uk.population.get("San Francisco")
// will throw java.util.NoSuchElementException

or you can access via the standard Scala map interface:

val sf : Option[Int] ="San Francisco")
What a MongoMapField can contain

You should be aware that MongoMapField supports only primitive types.

The mapped field used in this recipe is typed String ⇒ Int, but of course MongoDB will let you mix types such as putting a String or a Boolean as a population value. If you do modify the MongoDB record in the database outside of Lift and mix types, you’ll get a java.lang.ClassCastException at runtime.

See Also

There’s a discussion on the mailing list regarding the limited type support in MongoMapField and a possible way around it by overriding asDBObject.

Storing an Enumeration in MongoDB


You want to store an enumeration in a MongoDB document.


Use EnumNameField to store the string value of the enumeration. Here’s an example using days of the week:

object DayOfWeek extends Enumeration {
  type DayOfWeek = Value
  val Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun = Value

We can use this to model someone’s birth day-of-week:

package code.model

import net.liftweb.mongodb.record._
import net.liftweb.mongodb.record.field._
import net.liftweb.record.field.EnumNameField

class Birthday private () extends MongoRecord[Birthday] with StringPk[Birthday]{
  override def meta = Birthday
  object dow extends EnumNameField(this, DayOfWeek)

object Birthday extends Birthday with MongoMetaRecord[Birthday]

When creating records, the dow field will expect a DayOfWeek value:

import DayOfWeek._"Albert Einstein").dow(Fri).save"Richard Feynman").dow(Sat).save"Isaac Newton").dow(Sun).save


Take a look at what’s stored in MongoDB:

> db.birthdays.find()
{ "_id" : "Albert Einstein", "dow" : "Fri" }
{ "_id" : "Richard Feynman", "dow" : "Sat" }
{ "_id" : "Isaac Newton", "dow" : "Sun" }

The dow value is the toString of the enumeration, not the id value:

Fri.toString // java.lang.String = Fri //  Int = 4

If you want to store the ID, use EnumField instead.

Be aware that other tools, notably Rogue, expect the string value, not the integer ID, of an enumeration, so you may prefer to use EnumNameField for that reason.

See Also

Using Rogue introduces Rogue.

Embedding a Document Inside a MongoDB Record


You have a MongoDB record, and you want to embed another set of values inside it as a single entity.


Use BsonRecord to define the document to embed, and embed it using BsonRecordField. Here’s an example of storing information about an image within a record:

import net.liftweb.record.field.{IntField,StringField}

class Image private () extends BsonRecord[Image] {
  def meta = Image
  object url extends StringField(this, 1024)
  object width extends IntField(this)
  object height extends IntField(this)

object Image extends Image with BsonMetaRecord[Image]

We can reference instances of the Image class via BsonRecordField:

class Country private () extends MongoRecord[Country] with StringPk[Country] {
  override def meta = Country
  object flag extends BsonRecordField(this, Image)

object Country extends Country with MongoMetaRecord[Country] {
  override def collectionName = ""

To associate a value:

val unionJack =

In MongoDB, the resulting data structure would be:

  "_id" : "uk",
  "flag" : {
    "url" : "",
    "width" : 200,
    "height" : 100


If you don’t set a value on the embedded document, the default will be saved as:

"flag" : { "width" : 0, "height" : 0, "url" : "" }

You can prevent this by making the image optional:

object image extends BsonRecordField(this, Image) {
  override def optional_? = true

With optional_? set in this way, the image part of the MongoDB document won’t be saved if the value is not set. Within Scala you will then want to access the value with a valueBox call:

val img : Box[Image] = uk.flag.valueBox

In fact, regardless of the setting of optional_?, you can access the value using valueBox.

An alternative to optional values is to always provide a default value for the embedded document:

object image extends BsonRecordField(this, Image) {
 override def defaultValue =

See Also

The Lift wiki describes BsonRecord in more detail.

Linking Between MongoDB Records


You have a MongoDB record and want to include a link to another record.


Create a reference using a MongoRefField such as ObjectIdRefField or StringRefField, and dereference the record using the obj call.

As an example, we can create records representing countries, where a country references the planet where you can find it:

class Planet private() extends MongoRecord[Planet] with StringPk[Planet] {
  override def meta = Planet
  object review extends StringField(this,1024)

object Planet extends Planet with MongoMetaRecord[Planet] {
  override def collectionName = "example.planet"

class Country private () extends MongoRecord[Country] with StringPk[Country] {
  override def meta = Country
  object planet extends StringRefField(this, Planet, 128)

object Country extends Country with MongoMetaRecord[Country] {
  override def collectionName = ""

To make this example easier to follow, our model mixes in StringPk[Planet] to use strings as the primary key on our documents, rather than the more usual MongoDB object IDs. Consequently, the link is established with a StringRefField.

In a snippet we can make use of the planet reference by resolving it with .obj:

class HelloWorld {

  val uk = Country.find("uk") openOr {
    val earth ="earth").review("Harmless").save"uk").planet(

  def facts =
    ".country *" #> &
    ".planet" #> { p =>
      ".name *" #> &
      ".review *" #>

For the value uk, we look up an existing record, or create one if none is found. We create earth as a separate MongoDB record, and then reference it in the planet field with the ID of the planet.

Retrieving the reference is via the obj method, which returns a Box[Planet] in this example.


Referenced records are fetched from MongoDB when you call the obj method on a MongoRefField. You can see this by turning on logging in the MongoDB driver. Do this by adding the following to the start of your Boot.scala:

System.setProperty("DEBUG.MONGO", "true")
System.setProperty("DB.TRACE", "true")

Having done this, the first time you run the previous snippet, your console will include:

INFO: find: { "_id" : "uk"}
INFO: update: cookbook.example.planet { "_id" : "earth"} { "_id" : "earth" ,
    "review" : "Harmless"}
INFO: update: { "_id" : "uk"} { "_id" : "uk" ,
    "planet" : "earth"}
INFO: find: cookbook.example.planet { "_id" : "earth"}

What you’re seeing here is the initial lookup for uk, followed by the creation of the earth record and an update that is saving the uk record. Finally, there is a lookup of earth when uk.obj is called in the facts method.

The obj call will cache the planet reference. That means you could say:

".country *" #> &
".planet *" #> &
".review *" #>

and you’d still only see one query for the earth record despite calling obj multiple times. The flip side of that is if the earth record was updated elsewhere in MongoDB after you called obj you would not see the change from a call to uk.obj unless you reloaded the uk record first.

Querying by reference

Searching for records by a reference is straightforward:

val earth : Planet = ...
val onEarth : List[Country] = Country.findAll(,

Or in this case, because we have String references, we could just say:

val onEarth : List[Country] = Country.findAll(, "earth")
Updating and deleting

Updating a reference is as you’d expect:

uk.planet.obj.foreach("Mostly harmless.").update)

This would result in the changed field being set:

INFO: update: cookbook.example.planet { "_id" : "earth"} { "$set" : {
   "review" : "Mostly harmless."}}

A uk.planet.obj call will now return a planet with the new review.

Or you could replace the reference with another:

uk.planet("mars") ).save

Again, note that the reference is via the ID of the record (, not the record itself.

To remove the reference:


This removes the link, but the MongoDB record pointed to by the link will remain in the database. If you remove the object being referenced, a later call to obj will return an Empty box.

The example uses a StringRefField, as the MongoDB records themselves use String as the _id. Other reference types are:


This is possibly the most frequently used kind of reference, when you want to reference via the usual default ObjectId in MongoDB.


This is used for records with an ID based on java.util.UUID.


This is used in this example, where you control the ID as a String.

IntRefField and LongRefField

This is used when you have a numeric value as an ID.

See Also

10Gen, Inc.'s Data Modeling Decisions describes embedding of documents compared to referencing objects.

Using Rogue


You want to use Foursquare’s type-safe domain specific language (DSL), Rogue, for querying and updating MongoDB records.


You need to include the Rogue dependency in your build and import Rogue into your code.

For the first step, edit build.sbt and add:

"com.foursquare" %% "rogue" % "1.1.8" intransitive()

In your code, run import com.foursquare.rogue._ and then start using Rogue. For example, using the Scala console (see Running Queries from the Scala Console):

scala> import com.foursquare.rogue.Rogue._
import com.foursquare.rogue.Rogue._

scala> import code.model._
import code.model._

scala> Country.where( eqs "uk").fetch
res1: List[code.model.Country] = List(class code.model.Country={_id=uk,
  population=Map(Brighton->134293, Liverpool->469017, Birmingham->970892)})

scala> Country.where( eqs "uk").count
res2: Long = 1

scala> Country.where( eqs "uk").
  modify(_.population at "Brighton" inc 1).updateOne()


Rogue is able to use information in your Lift record to offer an elegant way to query and update records. It’s type-safe, meaning, for example, if you try to use an Int where a String is expected in a query, MongoDB would allow that and fail to find results at runtime, but Rogue enables Scala to reject the query at compile time:

scala> Country.where( eqs 7).fetch
<console>:20: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Int(7)
 required: String
              Country.where( eqs 7).fetch

The DSL constructs a query that we then fetch to send the query to MongoDB. That last method, fetch, is just one of the ways to run the query. Others include:


Queries MongoDB for the size of the result set


Shows the number of distinct values in the results


True if there’s any record that matches the query


Returns an Option[T] from the query

fetch(limit: Int)

Similar to fetch, but returns at most limit results

updateOne, updateMulti, upsertOne, and upsertMulti

Modify a single document, or all documents, that match the query

findAndDeleteOne and bulkDelete_!!

Delete records

The query language itself is expressive, and the best place to explore the variety of queries is in the QueryTest specification in the source for Rogue. You’ll find a link to this in the README of the project on GitHub.

Rogue is working towards a version 2 release that introduces a number of new concepts. If you want to give it a try, take a look at the instructions and comments on the Rogue mailing list.

See Also

For geospacial queries, see Storing Geospatial Values.

The README page for Rogue is a great starting point, and includes a link to QueryTest giving plenty of example queries to crib.

The motivation for Rogue is described in a Foursquare engineering blog post.

Storing Geospatial Values


You want to store latitude and longitude information in MongoDB.


Use Rogue’s LatLong class to embed location information in your model. For example, we can store the location of a city like this:

import com.foursquare.rogue.Rogue._
import com.foursquare.rogue.LatLong

class City private () extends MongoRecord[City] with ObjectIdPk[City] {
  override def meta = City
  object name extends StringField(this, 60)
  object loc extends MongoCaseClassField[City, LatLong](this)

object City extends City with MongoMetaRecord[City] {
  import net.liftweb.mongodb.BsonDSL._
  ensureIndex( -> "2d", unique=true)
  override def collectionName = ""

We can store values like this:

val place = LatLong(50.819059, -0.136642)
val city ="Brighton, UK").loc(pos).save(true)

This will produce data in MongoDB that looks like this:

  "_id" : ObjectId("50f2f9d43004ad90bbc06b83"),
  "name" : "Brighton, UK",
  "loc" : {
    "lat" : 50.819059,
    "long" : -0.136642


MongoDB supports geospatial indexes, and we’re making use of this by doing two things. First, we are storing the location information in one of MongoDB’s permitted formats. The format is an embedded document containing the coordinates. We could also have used an array of two values to represent the point.

Second, we’re creating an index of type 2d, which allows us to use MongoDB’s geospatial functions such as $near and $within. The unique=true in the ensureIndex highlights that you can control whether locations needs to be unique (true, no duplications) or not (false).

With regard to the unique index, you’ll note that we’re calling save(true) on the City in this example, rather than the plain save in most other recipes. We could use save here, and it would work fine, but the difference is that save(true) raises the write concern level from "normal" to "safe."

With the normal write concern, the call to save would return as soon as the request has gone down the wire to the MongoDB server. This gives a certain degree of reliability in that save would fail if the network had gone away. However, there’s no indication that the server has processed the request. For example, if we tried to insert a city at the exact same location as one that was already in the database, the index uniqueness rule would be violated and the record would not be saved. With just save (or save(false)), our Lift application would not receive this error, and the call would fail silently. Raising the concern to "safe" causes save(true) to wait for an acknowledgment from the MongoDB server, which means the application will receive exceptions for some kinds of errors.

As an example, if we tried to insert a duplicate city, our call to save(true) would result in:

com.mongodb.MongoException$DuplicateKey: E11000 duplicate key
  error index:$loc_2d

There are other levels of write concern, available via another variant of save that takes a WriteConcern as an argument.

If you ever need to drop an index, the MongoDB command is: "loc_2d" )

The reason this recipe uses Rogue’s LatLong class is to enable us to query using the Rogue DSL. Suppose we’ve inserted other cities into our collection:

>{}, {_id:0} )
{"name": "London, UK", "loc": {"lat": 51.5, "long": -0.166667} }
{"name": "Brighton, UK", "loc": {"lat": 50.819059, "long": -0.136642} }
{"name": "Paris, France", "loc": {"lat": 48.866667, "long": 2.333333} }
{"name": "Berlin, Germany", "loc": {"lat": 52.533333, "long": 13.416667} }
{"name": "Sydney, Australia", "loc": {"lat": -33.867387, "long": 151.207629} }
{"name": "New York, USA", "loc": {"lat": 40.714623, "long": -74.006605} }

We can now find those cities within 500 kilometers of London:

import com.foursquare.rogue.{LatLong, Degrees}

val centre = LatLong(51.5, -0.166667)
val radius = Degrees( (500 / 6378.137).toDegrees )
val nearby = City.where( _.loc near (, centre.long, radius) ).fetch()

This would query MongoDB with this clause:

{ "loc" : { "$near" : [ 51.5 , -0.166667 , 4.491576420597608]}}

which will identify London, Brighton, and Paris as near to London.

The form of the query is a centre point and a spherical radius. Records falling inside that radius match the query and are returned closest first. We calculate the radius in radians: 500 km divided by the radius of the Earth, approximately 6,378 km, gives us an angle in radians. We convert this to Degrees as required by Rogue.

See Also

The MongoDB Manual discusses geospatial indexes.

Learn more about write concerns from the MongoDB Manual.

Running Queries from the Scala Console


You want to try out a few queries interactively from the Scala console.


Start the console from your project, call boot(), and then interact with your model.

For example, using the MongoDB records developed as part of Connecting to a MongoDB Database, we can perform a basic query:

$ sbt
> console
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /cookbook_mongo/target/scala-2.9.1/classes...
[info] Starting scala interpreter...
Welcome to Scala version ...
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

scala> import bootstrap.liftweb._
import bootstrap.liftweb._

scala> new Boot().boot

scala> import code.model._
import code.model._

scala> Country.findAll
res2: List[code.model.Country] = List(class code.model.Country={_id=uk,
  population=Map(Brighton -> 134293, Liverpool -> 469017,
  Birmingham -> 970892)})

scala> :q


Running everything in Boot may be a little heavy handed, especially if you are starting up various services and background tasks. All we need to do is define a database connection. For example, using the sample code presented in Connecting to a MongoDB Database, we could initialise a conection with:

scala> import bootstrap.liftweb._
import bootstrap.liftweb._

scala> import net.liftweb.mongodb._
import net.liftweb.mongodb._

scala> MongoUrl.defineDb(DefaultMongoIdentifier,

scala> Country.findAll
res2: List[code.model.Country] = List(class code.model.Country={_id=uk,
  population=Map(Brighton -> 134293, Liverpool -> 469017,
    Birmingham -> 970892)})

See Also

Connecting to a MongoDB Database explains connecting to MongoDB and Using Rogue describes querying with Rogue.

Unit Testing Record with MongoDB


You want to write unit tests to run against your Lift Record code with MongoDB.


Using the Specs2 testing framework, surround your specification with a context that creates and connects to a database for each test and destroys it after the test runs.

First, create a Scala trait to set up and destroy a connection to MongoDB. We’ll be mixing this trait into our specifications:

import net.liftweb.http.{Req, S, LiftSession}
import net.liftweb.util.StringHelpers
import net.liftweb.common.Empty
import net.liftweb.mongodb._
import com.mongodb.ServerAddress
import com.mongodb.Mongo
import org.specs2.mutable.Around
import org.specs2.execute.Result

trait MongoTestKit {

  val server = new Mongo(new ServerAddress("", 27017))

  def dbName = "test_"+this.getClass.getName
    .replace(".", "_")

  def initDb() : Unit = MongoDB.defineDb(DefaultMongoIdentifier, server, dbName)

  def destroyDb() : Unit = {
    MongoDB.use(DefaultMongoIdentifier) { d => d.dropDatabase() }

  trait TestLiftSession {
    def session = new LiftSession("", StringHelpers.randomString(20), Empty)
    def inSession[T](a: => T): T = S.init(Req.nil, session) { a }

  object MongoContext extends Around with TestLiftSession {
    def around[T <% Result](testToRun: =>T) = {
      try {
        inSession {
      } finally {


This trait provides the plumbing for connection to a MongoDB server running locally, and creates a database based on the name of the class it is mixed into. The important part is the MongoContext, which ensures that around your specification the database is initialised, and that after your specification is run, it is cleaned up.

Specs2 2.x and Scala 2.10

If you’re using Scala 2.10, you’ll also be using a newer version of Specs2, and in that case MongoContent needs to be modified. For Specs2 2.1 you’ll need this code:

object MongoContext extends Around with TestLiftSession {
  def around[T : AsResult](testToRun: =>T) : Result = {
    try {
      inSession {
    } finally {

The changes in the 2.x series of Specs2 are documented on Eric Torreborre’s blog.

To use this in a specification, mix in the trait and then add the context:

import org.specs2.mutable._

class MySpec extends Specification with MongoTestKit {


  "My Record" should {

    "be able to create records" in MongoContext {
      val r = MyRecord.createRecord
      // ...your useful test here...
      r.valueBox.isDefined must beTrue


You can now run the test in SBT by typing test:

> test
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to target/scala-2.9.1/test-classes...
[info] My Record should
[info] + be able to create records
[info] Total for specification MySpec
[info] Finished in 1 second, 199 ms
[info] 1 example, 0 failure, 0 error
[info] Passed: : Total 1, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 0, Skipped 0
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed 03-Jan-2013 22:47:54


Lift normally provides all the scaffolding you need to connect and run against MongoDB. Without a running Lift application, we need to ensure MongoDB is configured when our tests run outside of Lift, and that’s what the MongoTestKit trait is providing for us.

The one unusual part of the test setup is including a TestLiftSession. This provides an empty session around your test, which is useful if you are accessing or testing state-related code (e.g., access to S). It’s not strictly necessary for running tests against Record, but it has been included here because you may want to do that at some point, for example if you are testing user login via MongoDB records.

There are a few nice tricks in SBT to help you run tests. Running test will run all the tests in your project. If you want to focus on just one test, you can:

> test-only org.example.code.MySpec

This command also supports wildcards, so if we only wanted to run tests that start with the word "Mongo" we could:

> test-only org.example.code.Mongo*

There’s also test-quick (in SBT 0.12), which will only run tests that have not been run, have changed, or failed last time, and ~test to watch for changes in tests and run them.

test-only together with modifications to around in MongoTestKit can be a good way to track down any issues you have with a test. By disabling the call to destroyDb(), you can jump into the MongoDB shell and examine the state of the database after a test has run.

Database cleanup

Around each test, we’ve simply deleted the database so the next time we try to use it, it’ll be empty. In some situations, you may not be able to do this. For example, if you’re running tests against a database hosted with companies such as MongoLabs or MongoHQ, then deleting the database will mean you won’t be able to connect to it next time you run.

One way to resolve that is to clean up each individual collection, by defining the collections you need to clean up and replacing destroyDb with a method that will remove all entries in those collections:

lazy val collections : List[MongoMetaRecord[_]] = List(MyRecord)

def destroyDb() : Unit = {
  collections.foreach(_ bulkDelete_!! new BasicDBObject)

Note that the collection list is lazy to avoid start up of the Record system before we’ve initialised our database connections.

Parallel tests

If your tests are modifying data and have the potential to interact, you’ll want to stop SBT from running your tests in parallel. A symptom of this would be tests that fail apparently randomly, or working tests that stop working when you add a new test, or tests that seem to lock up. Disable by adding the following to build.sbt:

parallelExecution in Test := false

You’ll notice that the example specification includes the line: sequential. This disables the default behaviour in Specs2 of running all tests concurrently.

Running tests in IDEs

IntelliJ IDEA detects and allows you to run Specs2 tests automatically. With Eclipse, you’ll need to include the JUnit runner annotation at the start of your specification:

import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner

class MySpec extends Specification with MongoTestKit  {

You can then "Run As…​" the class in Eclipse.

See Also

The Specs2 site contains examples and a user guide.

If you prefer to use the Scala Test framework, take a look at Tim Nelson’s Mongo Auth Lift module. It includes tests using that framework. Much of what Tim has written there has been adapted to produce this recipe for Specs2.

The Lift MongoDB Record library includes a variation on testing with Specs2, using just Before and After rather than the around example used in this recipe.

Flapdoodle provides a way to automate the download, install, setup, and cleanup of a MongoDB database. This automation is something you can wrap around your unit tests, and a Specs2 integration is included using the same Before and After approach to testing used by Lift MongoDB Record.

The test interface provided by SBT, such as the test command, also supports the ability to fork tests, set specific configurations for test cases, and ways to select which tests are run.

The Lift wiki describes more about unit testing and Lift sessions.