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Proving termination by decreasing Repr

Sean McLaughlin edited this page Jul 8, 2019 · 4 revisions

This page describes how Repr sets can be used to prove termination of recursive method calls. It requires some understanding of dynamic frames, Repr sets, and modifies clauses. Chapters 8 and 9 of Using Dafny, an Automatic Program Verifier provide a good introduction to this.

Suppose we have a simple counter interface and implementation:

trait Counter {
    method inc() modifies this
    method get() returns (res: nat) modifies this 

class BasicCounter extends Counter {
    var c: nat
    constructor() {
        c := 0;
    method inc() 
        modifies this
        c := c + 1;
    method get() returns (res: nat) {
        res := c;

This seems to work fine, but as soon as we want to add this LogWrapCounter, we get errors:

class LogWrapCounter extends Counter {
    var underlying: Counter;
    constructor(underlying: Counter) {
        this.underlying := underlying;
    method inc() 
        modifies this
        print "inc is called\n";; // ERRORS
    method get() returns (res: nat) {
        print "get is called\n";
        res := underlying.get(); // ERRORS

Both lines marked with ERRORS have the following two errors:

  • call may violate context's modifies clause
  • cannot prove termination; try supplying a decreases clause

Dafny rightfully points out that when we call, underlying will be modified, but the modifies clause only contains this, not this.underlying. If we try to fix this by saying modifies this, this.underlying, the modifies clause won't match the modifies clause of the parent trait any more, and we can't adapt the modifies clause of the parent trait because the parent trait has no underlying field. So we have to use the more general approach of Repr sets, and rewrite the code as follows:

trait Counter {
    ghost var Repr: set<object>
    predicate Valid() reads this, Repr
    method inc() requires Valid() modifies Repr ensures Valid() && Repr == old(Repr)
    method get() returns (res: nat) requires Valid()

class BasicCounter extends Counter {
    var c: nat
    predicate Valid() reads this, Repr {
        this in Repr
    constructor() ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr) {
        this.c := 0;
        this.Repr := {this};
    method inc() 
        requires Valid() modifies Repr ensures Valid() && Repr == old(Repr)
        c := c + 1;
    method get() returns (res: nat) requires Valid() {
        res := c;

class LogWrapCounter extends Counter {
    var underlying: Counter;
    predicate Valid() reads this, Repr {
        this in Repr && underlying in Repr && underlying.Repr <= Repr && this !in underlying.Repr &&
    constructor(underlying: Counter) 
        requires underlying.Valid()
        ensures Valid()
        ensures fresh(Repr - {underlying} - underlying.Repr)
        this.underlying := underlying;
        this.Repr := underlying.Repr + {underlying, this};
    method inc() 
        requires Valid() 
        modifies Repr     
        ensures Valid() && Repr == old(Repr)
        print "inc is called\n";; // ERROR
    method get() returns (res: nat) requires Valid() {
        print "get is called\n";
        res := underlying.get(); // ERROR

Now the first error is gone, and the two lines marked with ERROR only have the error

  • cannot prove termination; try supplying a decreases clause

This error is also a valid concern: For instance, the following method would not terminate, because would call, which in turn would call again, and so on:

method infiniteLoop() {
    var b := new BasicCounter();
    var c1 := new LogWrapCounter(b);
    var c2 := new LogWrapCounter(c1);
    c1.underlying := c2;;

This problem can also be solved using Repr sets, because each call to inc should be a call to an underlying counter whose Repr set is strictly smaller (it does not contain this), so we can use the Repr set as a termination measure:

trait Counter {
    ghost var Repr: set<object>
    predicate Valid() reads this, Repr
    method inc() requires Valid() modifies Repr decreases Repr ensures Valid() && Repr == old(Repr)
    method get() returns (res: nat) requires Valid() decreases Repr

class BasicCounter extends Counter {
    var c: nat
    predicate Valid() reads this, Repr {
        this in Repr
    constructor() ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr) {
        this.c := 0;
        this.Repr := {this};
    method inc() 
        requires Valid() modifies Repr decreases Repr ensures Valid() && Repr == old(Repr)
        c := c + 1;
    method get() returns (res: nat) requires Valid() decreases Repr {
        res := c;

class LogWrapCounter extends Counter {
    var underlying: Counter;
    predicate Valid() reads this, Repr {
        this in Repr && underlying in Repr && underlying.Repr <= Repr && this !in underlying.Repr &&
    constructor(underlying: Counter) 
        requires underlying.Valid()
        ensures Valid()
        ensures fresh(Repr - {underlying} - underlying.Repr)
        this.underlying := underlying;
        this.Repr := underlying.Repr + {underlying, this};
    method inc() 
        requires Valid() 
        modifies Repr 
        decreases Repr 
        ensures Valid() && Repr == old(Repr)
        print "inc is called\n";;
    method get() returns (res: nat) requires Valid() decreases Repr {
        print "get is called\n";
        res := underlying.get();

This is interesting because the static call graph anaysis indicates that might call itself, and there's no non-ghost decreasing argument in sight -- but the ghost var Repr saves us.

Now if we try to verify the infiniteLoop() method from above, Dafny tells us that the precondition for might not hold. We could try to fix this by also updating the Repr set of c1 after assigning c1.underlying, but then of course c1 !in c1.underlying.Repr does not hold any more, but that's required by c1.Valid(), which is a precondition for

method infiniteLoop() {
    var b := new BasicCounter();
    var c1 := new LogWrapCounter(b);
    var c2 := new LogWrapCounter(c1);
    assert c2.Valid();
    c1.underlying := c2;
    c1.Repr := c1.Repr + c2.Repr;
    assert c1 !in c1.underlying.Repr; // fails;

So Dafny has correctly prevented us from writing infinite loops through object oriented virtual method calls. But of course, it allows correct usages of our counters, eg we can log each event twice as follows:

method Main() {
    var b := new BasicCounter();
    var c1 := new LogWrapCounter(b);
    var c2 := new LogWrapCounter(c1);;;
    var v := c2.get();
    print v, "\n";;
    v := c2.get();
    print v, "\n";

which prints

inc is called
inc is called
inc is called
inc is called
get is called
get is called
inc is called
inc is called
get is called
get is called