- [UPDATE] - updated album tracks parsing algorithm - now includes more rules for parsing more formats of tracks embeded in media description
- [UPDATE] - restyled tracks.
- [NEW] - album tracks now features track listings in no playing playlist - playing single tracks in a media - click the green playlist icon to see tracks.
- [UPDATE] - user menu is now animated.
- [UPDATE] - added icon for reveal playing track in "now-playing" title
- Made performance improvments to fullscreen mode
- [UPDATE] - app user menu has been revamped for mobile devices
- [NEW] - now playling playlist style has been upgraded with borders and improved with semantics & animations when toggling the sidebar
- [UPDATE] - player controls bar resized and enhanced
- [FIX] - brings back uncommented Effect
- [FIX] - fixed an issue with playing the last track in a playlist
- [FIX] - attempt to catch errors when user's token is updated
- [UPDATED] - new version indicator is now animated with pulse, "update version" is the first item in list now.
- [FIX] - added auto sign in retry (3 times) and app refresh when there's an error (attempt to fix)
- [NEW] - added user menu (top right) with links to source code
- [NEW] - added version checker service for notifying about a new version of echoes
- [UPDATE] - authorization check is done every 5 minutes
- [NEW] - added "repeat" for playlist. now player will stop playing the playlist if repeat is off (default setting).
- fixes app error - "likeCount" form statistics doesn't exist in search results
- now using ng-cli 1.0.0
- Angular 4.0.0
- scss are loaded with styleUrls