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107 lines (72 loc) · 4.42 KB

Project build notes

[ ] Update Readmes on both repos for assessment [ ] Another blog post [ ] Updated Video of development work since submitted

#LIKES- [x] Increment likes based on click [ ] User can like a punk only once [x] Punk can have many likes. Show the total number of likes [X] Make the heart stay filled in when navigating to another view.

*Fetch calls:

[X] 1. R - Read, Punks displaying on page, fetch to localhost:3000/punks/index


[X] 2. C - create a new comment Create a comment object on submit of button, pass the object to the fetch POST to the backend, then show the updated Punk card with comments


    [X]  Need to fetch the punks info from db again after creating a new comment, info not updating unless page refreshes 
        Note, it was working, just wasn't clearing out the Punk.all [] and was viewing the incorrect data. Solved by clearing innerHTML of the div and then clearing static all before calling Punk.getPunks()

[X] 3. Create a User


[X] 4. Create a like


[X] 5. R - Read, Find PunkByNumber, fetch to localhost:3000/punks/id Coded the backend so that the json is rendered to punks/id Send to show page. Create new punk if it does not exist in the database, render it, if it does.


[X] 6. D - delete a comment api.deleteComment(deleteId)

[X] 7. R- Punk with the Most Likes api.mostLikes()

B. MODELS [X] a. ***Comments - currently working on Comments [X] b. User [X] c. Like [X] d. Ticker [X] e. Modal [X] f. Punk

[X] C. Build an adpater/service class to handle the api calls. ApiService.js [X] D. Hit MVP asap, then refactor and branch to add each new feature. One at a time. [X] E. Add a Navbar [X] F. Add API data to show current crypto prices, ETH, bitcoin, etc with graphic and #

[X] The application must be an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frontend with a Rails API backend. All interactions between the client and the server must be handled asynchronously (AJAX) and use JSON as the communication format.

[X] The JavaScript application must use Object Oriented JavaScript (classes) to encapsulate related data and behavior.

[X] The domain model served by the Rails backend must include a resource with at least one has-many relationship. For example, if you were building an Instagram clone, you might display a list of photos with associated comments. [X] User has_many :comments [X] Punk has_many :comments Punk has_many :likes [X] Comments belong to :user, :punk User has_many :likes Like belongs to :user, :punk

[X] The backend and frontend must collaborate to demonstrate Client-Server Communication. Your application should have at least 3 AJAX calls, covering at least 2 of Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD). Your client-side JavaScript code must use fetch with the appropriate HTTP verb, and your Rails API should use RESTful conventions.

*See Fetch calls above (Create Like, Create User, Read Punk, Create Comment, Read PunkById, Delete Comment)

JavaScript [X] Use classes and functions to organize your code into reusable pieces. [X] Translate JSON responses into JavaScript model objects using ES6 class or constructor function syntax. [X] Use ES6 features when appropriate (e.g. arrow functions, let & const, rest and spread syntax).