The characters are modified in index.test.ts. The unit tests generate the readme table and the dictionary (see index.ts).
- List global installations:
npm ls -g --depth=0
- Globally install npm-check-updates:
npm i -g npm-check-updates
- Globally install release-it:
npm i -g release-it
- Locally install project dependencies:
npm i
- Enable ESLint for TypeScript in VS Code settings.json:
"eslint.validate": [ "javascript", "javascriptreact", "typescript", "typescriptreact" ]
- Upgrade dependencies:
ncu -u
(might require anpm i
afterwards) - Run tests:
npm test
(see coverage/) - Build project:
npm run build
(see dist/)
Release (patch, minor or major):
- Remove
"private": true
. - Double-check package contents before release:
npm pack
(see .tgz file) - Release (dry run):
release-it minor --dry-run
- Release:
release-it minor
(tag and publish)
- We create symbolic representations instead of providing 100% correct translations
- Translations must not be unique (read: the dictionary must not be injective)
- We do not perform further transformations, like to lower case.
- We allow only glyphs consisting of one character
- Upper case glyphs are translated first upper (Ä → Ae)
- Upper case glyphs that consist of two letters are translated ALL UPPER CASE (Æ → AE)
- Lower case glyphs are translated to all lower (ä → ae)
- Constants are translated to letters (ℇ → e)
- Copyright symbols are translated to UPPER CASE abbreviations (™ → TM)
- Math symbols (including the Greek alphabet) are translated to names (𝜋 → pi)
- Units are translated to names (℃ → Celsius)
- Currencies are translated to all lower names (€ → euro)