Changing some words in the README
Changing some words in the README
Correcting the ellipsis dots in the README
Correcting the ellipsis dots in the README
Correcting a phrase in the README
Correcting a phrase in the README
Adding usage section in the README
Adding usage section in the README
Correcting the link of the github logo
Correcting the link of the github logo
Adding history graph to the home page
Adding history graph to the home page
Adding accuracy and the css for history graph
Adding accuracy and the css for history graph
Fixing a bug with random() function
Fixing a bug with random() function
The lists are asked with a random order
The lists are asked with a random order
Adding the edit button and its functionality
Adding the edit button and its functionality
Fixing bug with structuredClone() function
Fixing bug with structuredClone() function
Changing the background color
Changing the background color
Fixing enter event bugs and finishing style
Fixing enter event bugs and finishing style
Finishing all functionalities
Finishing all functionalities
Practice functionality finished
Practice functionality finished
Starting with Practice functionality
Starting with Practice functionality
Adding lists section and a part of its functionality
Adding lists section and a part of its functionality