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Danilo Teodoro edited this page Mar 21, 2021 · 5 revisions

Sprint-news wiki

Welcome! Sprint-news is a plugin to generate a report with content tailored for stakeholders, with the goal of communicating the benefits stakeholders will get and managing their expectations on the product development. It highlights the stakeholders addressed in the selected sprint, and the value they will get after stories get implemented. Up to five roadmaps (epics) are summarized, as well as previous sprints.


How can I install and use the plugin in my Jira project

Make sure you have a Jira next-gen Scrum project.
Install the plugin from here and access it on the project's backlog.

Can I change the main picture?

Yes, the main picture is the first picture of the highest priority story in your sprint.

I got a message: "Stories don't follow the user story template"

Your stories should follow the user story template and start with: As a <user>, I want to <perform a task>, so that <benefit>. After this part you can add text as usual, without any restriction. For example: As a Product Owner, I want to easily communicate my sprint goals and benefits to stakeholders, so that they get involved and continue to support our product.

Which fields are mandatory when generating the report?

Team name, city, sprint and Product Owner. Feel free to leave the rest blank, but remember that they add value to your audience!

How roadmaps (epics) are chosen?

SprintNews highlights epics that are connected to stories of the selected sprint. Epics can be created and associated inside the project's backlog, in Jira. Technically, epics are the "parent" of the stories.

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