- Issue #13568 - Added capability of processing a 1-hour data file
- Added option --file - Generate an echogram from a single 1-hour file from the command line
- Added option --all - Generate all echograms for all ZPLSC instruments
- Added option --process - Runs once/day for all instruments, generating the latest full day echograms
- Issue #13533 - Added support to parse instrument recovered CTDBP/FLORTD combined data
- Issue #13288 - Changed conditional logic. Changed NDF to SDF.
- Issue #13288 - Added NTP timestamp to suna
- Issue #13288 - Fixed suna parser to work with uFrame, added instrument driver
- Issue #13245 - Corrected REGEX in the flort_dj_dcl.py parser.
- Issue #13288 - Added suna parser
- Issue #11419 - Added support for the new Neil Brown CTD
- Added driver/parser support for the new Neil Brown CTD attached to the AUVs.
- Added ctdav_n_auv_driver.py driver and deprecated ctdav_n_auv_recovered(telemetered)_driver(s).py drivers.
- Added ctdav_nbosi_auv_driver.py driver and ctdav_nbosi_auv.py parser for the new Neil Brown CTD.
- Added unit tests for the new Neil Brown CTD parser.
- Issue #13170 - Corrected engineering platform configurations to reflect last deployment
- Issue #13174 - Modified ZPLSC-B Test Method To Access Raw Data Via Remotely Mounted File System
- Issue #13106 - Overrode parse_file and _build_parsed_values functions
- Removed global regex variables and instead used python text processing libraries
- Append only float values
- Issue #13119 - Added support for ZPLSC C Echogram Generator To Access Raw Data Remote Mount
- Issue #13098 - Added individual colorbars for each frequency's echogram.
- Issue #12427 Update ADCP Parsers and Consolidate ADCP streams:
- stream adcp_velocity_earth replaces:
- adcp_velocity_glider (mi/dataset/parser/adcp_pd0.py)
- adcp_velocity_inst (mi/dataset/parser/adcp_pd0.py)
- stream adcp_velocity_beam replaces:
- adcp_pd0_beam_parsed (mi/instrument/teledyne/workhorse/particles.py)
- vadcp_5thbeam_pd0_beam_parsed (mi/instrument/teledyne/workhorse/particles.py)
- vadcp_pd0_beam_parsed (mi/instrument/teledyne/workhorse/particles.py)
- stream adcp_system_configuration replaces:
- vadcp_4beam_system_configuration (mi/instrument/teledyne/workhorse/particles.py)
- stream adcp_system_configuration_5 replaces:
- vadcp_5thbeam_system_configuration (mi/instrument/teledyne/workhorse/particles.py)
- stream adcp_velocity_earth replaces:
- Issue #12584 - Added individual colobars for each frequency's echogram.
- Issue #13083 - Restored feature in zplsc_b parser to generate an echogram.
- Issue #12833 - Added support for offline process generated ZPLSC-C echograms.
- Issue #12289 - Added DO driver to generate stable dissolved oxygen stream from CTD with attached DO
- Issue #12323 - Added support for UI generated ZPLSC C-Series echograms.
- Issue #12832 Fixed update playback.py to assign 'zplsc_reader' variable before being referenced
- Issue #12574 update ctdpf_jb driver to parse CTD data with missing optode sensor data (CTDPFB304)
- Issue #12499 modified playback to be callable via ingest engine and ingest requests
- Issue #12435 FLOR - Consolidate Streams:
- flort_sample now replaces:
- flort_kn_stc_imodem_instrument
- flort_kn_stc_imodem_instrument_recovered
- flort_dj_dcl_instrument
- flort_dj_dcl_instrument_recovered
- flort_dj_cspp_instrument
- flort_dj_sio_instrument
- flort_dj_sio_instrument_recovered
- flort_m_sample now replaces:
- flort_m_glider_instrument
- flort_m_glider_recovered
- flort_kn_sample now replaces:
- flort_kn_auv_instrument
- flort_kn_auv_instrument_recovered
- flort_sample now replaces:
- Issue #12167 Modify ZPLSC cabled driver to produce time series data Changed the ZPLSC cabled driver to only produce time series data (and not echograms plot)
Issue #12253 Parsers are not setting port_timestamp and #12254 Extraneous data in DCL parser particles
Modified DCL parser:
- port_timestamp will be set from the DCL header timestamp value
- dcl_controller_timestamp - should set the port_timestamp (already in particle) instead of using a string
- internal_timestamp will be set from the instrument payload
- date_string - should use internal_timestamp (already in particle) instead of using a string
- all timestamp string values will not be set (removed)
Modified DCL parsers are:
- adcpt_acfgm_dcl_pd0
- adcpt_acfgm_dcl_pd8
- ctdbp_cdef_dcl
- dcl_file_common
- metbk_a_dcl
- pco2a_a_dcl
- dosta_abcdjm_dcl
- dosta_abcdjm_ctdbp_dcl
- fdchp_a_dcl
- flort_dj_dcl
- fuelcell_eng_dcl
- hyd_o_dcl
- pco2w_abc_dcl
- pco2w_abc_particles
- phsen_abcdef_dcl
- presf_abc_dcl
- rte_o_dcl
- spkir_abj_dcl
- wavss_a_dcl
- zplsc_c_dcl
- nutnr_b_dcl_conc
- nutnr_b_dcl_full
- nutnr_b_dcl_parser_base
- nutnr_b_particles
- cg_dcl_eng_dcl
- cspp_eng_dcl
- Issue #12191 - Need to parse CTDMO recovered_host instrument data (ctdmo_ghqr) Added parser to parse CTDMO recovered_host instrument data
Added the following drivers:
- /mi/dataset/driver/ctdmo_ghqr/sio/ctdmo_ghqr_sio_ct_recovered_driver.py
- Issue #11462 - wavss_a_dcl -
- Issue #12229 - BOTPT transducer temperature parameter values being truncated
- Issue #10398 - No Recovered parser/ingest queue for ZPLSC
- Issue #12137 - Fixed adcpt_acfgm_dcl_pd0 Unit Tests
- Issue #12118 - ZPLSC_C Telemetered Stream Has Extraneous Parameters
- Issue #11920 - Fixed bug in OMS alert processing
- Merged mi-dataset repository
Added the following drivers:
- mi/dataset/driver/camds/camds_abc_driver.py
- Improved error handling
- Added shovel status monitoring
- Added the ability to specify a queue and routing key. If the queue does not already exist it will be created as an exclusive queue and deleted upon disconnect.
- Added exception handling to echogram_thread and parse_echogram_file_wrapper
- Moved echogram processing to an external processing pool Redmine 11588
- Fixed bug where invalid data prevented plot creation
- Output PNGs now being writen to same directory as raw input files.
- Power range set dynamically from 5-95% of data values Redmine 11311
- Increased resolution of plots and reduced borders.
- Frequencies plots are now combined in a single plot. Redmine 11310
- Power range is now set to -25 to -80 dB. Redmine 11311
- Inverted transducer depth to create depth direction. Redmine 11309
Added the following drivers:
- mi/dataset/driver/ctdbp_p/ctdbp_p_recovered_driver.py
- mi/dataset/driver/dosta_abcdjm/ctdbp_p/dosta_abcdjm_ctdbp_p_recovered_driver.py
- mi/dataset/driver/flord_g/ctdbp_p/flord_g_ctdbp_p_recovered_driver.py