All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.3.0 (2019-06-02)
- throttle: behaviour wasn't specified correctly (bc1e89c)
- throttle: behaviour wasn't specified correctly (c29c3bc)
- throttle: fixing throttle behaviour (453dde5)
- throttle: behaviour wasn't specified correctly (2bde9e8)
- async-retry: async retry promise (2664f8e)
- lru: added lru helper (1e5bce2)
- lru-memoize: least recently used memoize functions (c343065)
- lru-memoize: least recently used memoize functions (cb320e2)
- lru-memoize: least recently used memoize functions (a4530a5)
- lru-memoize: least recently used memoize functions (3cc052d)
- memoize: add memoize decorator (da0a108)
- memoize: add memoize decorator (4d08a65)
- memoize: support async memoization (ed2d5df)
- once: added once decorator (c8abc96)
- timed-memoize: additional memoize decorator with timeout (ef2a4dd)
- timed-memoize: additional memoize decorator with timeout (6a40742)
- throttle-debounce: added tests for throtle & debounce (4f99ff7)