new Form({ fields, schema, options, extend });
fields: represents the fields: name, label, value.
schema: the json-schema for the validation. See
options: the additional options for ajv. See
extend: add custom validation keyword for using in the json-schema
Synchronizes the value of the field onChange
You must define the name of the field to use this method.
Check if the form is valid (boolean).
Check if the form is dirty (boolean).
Get an array with all fields names.
Get an object with all fields values.
Clear the form to empty values.
Reset the form to initials values.
Pass an object to update the form with new values.
Check if the form is valid (boolean).
Invalidate the form passing a generic error message (string).
// define an 'extend' object with the custom keyword
const extend = {
range: {
type: 'number',
compile: (sch, parentSchema) => {
const min = sch[0];
const max = sch[1];
return parentSchema.exclusiveRange === true
? (data) => (data > min && data < max)
: (data) => (data >= min && data <= max);
// then use it the schema
var schema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
fieldname: {
"range": [2, 4],
"exclusiveRange": true,
// pass all to the form constructor
new Form({ fields, schema, extend });
// define custom functions,
// they must return an array with: [boolean, string];
function shouldBeEqualTo($target) {
const target = $target;
return (field, fields) => {
const current = field.label ||;
const fieldsAreEquals = (fields[target].getValue() === field.getValue());
return [fieldsAreEquals, `The ${current} should be equals to ${target}`];
function isEmail(field) {
const current = field.label ||;
const isValid = (field.value.indexOf('@') > 0);
return [isValid, `The ${current} should be an email address.`];
// pass them to the field's `validate` property
// as function or as an array of functions
// and set `related` fields to be validated at the same time
const fields = {
username: {
label: 'Username',
value: '',
validate: [isEmail, shouldBeEqualTo('email')],
related: ['email'],
email: {
label: 'Email',
value: '',
validate: isEmail,
related: ['username'],