This is my final year project where I used Python and Machine Learning methods to detect fake news.
Install Python 3.x [NOTE: 3.x means any version with 3]
Create a Separate Folder
Run CMD/PowerShell inside that Folder
Run the following command
pip install virualenv
(This will install a virual environment for our project.)After Instaling
virualenv my_env
(This will intialte the virual environment with my_env name. you can give any name of your choice) -
cd my_env
(Then go inside the my_env Folder) -
(activate the virualenv)
Copy all the codes and the requirements.txt file inside my_env
pip install -r requirements.txt
(It will install all the dependecies for the project.) -
Go to this Dataset and download all the neccesary datasets
(For now you can only Download the tranning.csv file)
Create a Folder datasets inside the same folder(i.e my_env) Copy the datsets inside this.
Run the classsifier files and see the output
- The Codes are well documented.
Read More
- Naive Bayes
- Support Vector Machine
- Random Forest
- Logarithemic Regression
- Confussion Matrix