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Adaptive Power Method (APM)

This project is an implementation of the Adaptive Power Method (APM) which I use in my master thesis [1]. It simulates a random walk on an Erdős-Rényi random graph to compute the scaled culumant generating function (SCGF) and rate function of the mean degree a time additive observable.

Table of Contents

Project Structure

This project consists of a library apm in the apm/ subfolder and the main file main.cpp for the executable simapm defined in CMakeLists.txt.

To just use the program check the prerequisites and then go to the compiling section. After that check out the usage section to learn how to use the program and the command line arguments that it has.

If you want to use the apm library in another project just add the following lines to your CMakeLists.txt file before you define an executable with add_executable().

set(APM_DIR "<path-to-apm-sub-folder>")
add_subdirectory("${APM_DIR}/src" "${APM_DIR}/build")

Have a look at main.cpp to see how you can use the apm functions in your project.


The data produced by the APM is saved in the HDF5 data format. To compile the library apm you need the binary and header file of the HDF5 library. The version used at the time of writing is 1.14.0.

I recommend to build the HDF5 library with CMake. Download CMake-hdf5-1.14.0.tar.gz from HDF5 Group and check the sha256 checksum.

In a desired folder run the following to build the HDF5 library.

tar xvzf CMake-hdf5-1.14.0.tar.gz 
cd CMake-hdf5-1.14.0/

The result is a file HDF5-1.14.0-Linux.tar.gz. Unpack this into the apm folder.

cd apm/
tar xvzf HDF5-1.14.0-Linux.tar.gz

Check that the path set in apm/src/CMakeLists.txt under APM_DIR matches the path of the HDF5 files.


Make sure you have compiled the HDF5 library as described under prerequisites. Also you need the programs CMake, Ninja and g++ (from GCC). The version that I used when starting this project can be found under software versions.

When you are ready, open a terminal inside the source directory where the top most CMakeLists.txt file is located. The following commands create a directory for the build files and build the project in Release mode. The binaries are produced in the build folder.

mkdir build/
cd build/
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release ..
cmake --build .


The different modes of the APM are invoked by using the correct command line parameters. The first argument is a mode that is a string of the list single, transfer, ratefunc or power. After that follows a list of key-value pairs. The order of the key-value pair does not matter. Important is that the key has to start with a hyphen -. The most important key is -g which has 2 values -g 100 3 the first being the number of nodes for the graph and the second the average node degree. All other pairs have only one value.

Below you find a list of the possible keys and a description of what they do.

Key Description
-g 100 3 Graph size is 100 nodes with mean degree 3
-t 10000 run 10000 time steps
-s -0.5 value for the control parameter s
-f ./data Directory where the output file will be written to. If it does not exists the APM will abort.
-a 0.1 Value of the exponent in the learning rate
-r 100 Repeat the APM 100 times and average the obtained quantities
-e 10 Run the APM for 10 epochs if the mode used transfer learning (transfer or ratefunc)

The following example shows the most common use cases and which arguments they need. It is assumed that you have compiled the executable simapm as described in the section compiling.

You need to create the data folder manually data before running the commands.

# run the APM once
./build/simapm single -g 50 3 -s 1 -t 10000 -a 0.1 -f "./data" -p "demo" 
# run the APM 100 and average
./build/simapm single -g 50 3 -s 1 -t 10000 -a 0.1 -f "./data" -p "demo"  -r 100
# run the APM with transfer learning 
./build/simapm transfer -g 50 3 -s 1 -t 500 -a 0.1 -f "./data" -p "demo"  -r 100 -e 10
# run the APM to compute the rate function
./build/simapm ratefunc -g 50 3 -s 1 -t 1000 -a 0.1 -f "./data" -p "demo" -r 100 -e 50
# run the APM and the power method for the same graph
./build/simapm "power,single" -g 50 3 -s 1 -t 10000 -r 100 -a 0.1 -f "./data" -p "demo"

If you want to run the APM on the same graph realization but for different values of -t, -s or -a then just specify them multiple time in the argument list. For example:

./build/simapm single -g 50 3 -s 1 -s -1 -t 1000 -t 5000 -a 0.1 -a 0.5 -f "./data" -p "demo"


The data produced by simapm is saved in HDF5 files ending in .h5. You can inspect these files with the HDF5 tool h5ls <file>. A typical output of the file created in the example above is:

h5ls ./data/demo_single_050_3_s-100_t10000_r001_a010.h5
cns                      Dataset {10000}
cns2                     Dataset {10000}
edgeList_left            Dataset {142}
edgeList_right           Dataset {142}
k                        Dataset {50}
kns                      Dataset {10000}
kns2                     Dataset {10000}
psi                      Dataset {10000}
psi2                     Dataset {10000}
psiEst                   Dataset {10000}
psiEst2                  Dataset {10000}
r                        Dataset {50}
rUpdate                  Dataset {10000}
s                        Dataset {10000}
zeta                     Dataset {10000}
zeta2                    Dataset {10000}

All entries in the file are arrays whose length is given in the brackets {}. The ones with a length of 10000 are computed along the random which we specified with -t 10000. Those include zeta, psi, cns, kns, psiEst, s and rUpdate. The keys ending with a 2 are just the second moments of the quantities when you use for example -r 10 where the number of repeats for the averaging is larger than 1.

Quantity Description
s control parameter of the APM
zeta dominant eigenvalue
psi SCGF (log of zeta)
cns time-additive obserable of the mean degree
kns time-additive obserable of the rate function
psiEst SCGF computed point wise from cns * s - kns
rUpdate time series of the changes of the components of r
k node degrees
r final right eigenvector
edgeList_left/edgeList_right pairs describing the edges of the graph

You can easily load the data into python with the h5py package.


The apm library is spread over several files but all use the namespace apm. You can set how much logging output in the terminal you want by optionally defining the following in general.h.

#define LOG_DEBUG

Below you find a short description of which functions and classes to find in which file.

File Description
apm.h Adaptive Power Method
data2hdf5.h Save data to HDF5 files
eigenSolver.h Wrapper to use LAPACK's dgeev eigenvalue solver
general.h Define general use functions and classes
graph.h Graph class and generation
parser.h Command line parameters and how to parse them
power.h Power Method
rng.h Random Number Generator
testing.h Run some tests


This projected is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license found in the file LICENSE by me David Stuhrmann.

Software versions

Software Version
CMake 3.22.1
GCC 11.3.0
HDF5 1.14.0
Ninja 1.10.1