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data-bomb edited this page Jul 3, 2023 · 28 revisions

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Adding Admins

Once the Admin Mod is running, admins can be added via the game's in-game chat. Only the host can add/modify/remove admins. The host can issue the chat command: !addadmin <playerName> <Powers> <Level>

<playerName> is a unique part of the players name but it does not need to be the full name. For example, if there were 3 clients connected (Toaster, Toastee, Toasted) and we wanted to make sure Toasted was an admin then you could start with !addadmin ted or !addadmin Toasted.

<Powers> is the set of characters for each power that you want to grant. Use the Root power to grant all powers. See Powers for the mapping of powers to characters.

<Level> is a number between 0-255 the represents the heirarchy of the admin on the server and affects who they can target. See Levels for more information.

Admin Mod Architecture

graph LR;
    A[!kick Mod]-->B[Admin Extension];
    C[!ban Mod]-->B[Admin Extension];
    D[!mute Mod]-->B[Admin Extension];
    G[Other Mods]-->B[Admin Extension]
    B[Admin Extension]-->E[Admin Mod];
    E-- Extension Methods --> F[Silica Player Class]
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