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Change Log for Master Parse Tool

Version 1.23.0

  • If a cell has multiple LANGUAGE_ONLY (e.g. PYTHON_ONLY and SCALA_ONLY), it will include it if the notebook language matches any of them.

Version 1.22.0

  • Added INSTRUCTOR_NOTES alias for INSTRUCTOR_NOTE. Addresses Issue #92.

Version 1.21.0

  • Added INSTRUCTOR_ONLY alias for INSTRUCTOR_NOTE. Addresses Issue #86.

Version 1.20.0

  • Added support for a new PROFILES tag that allows arbitrary profiles, not just Amazon and Azure. AMAZON_ONLY and AZURE_ONLY are still supported, for backward compatibility.
  • Added the ability to consolidate all instructor notes in a notebook into a single file.
  • Fixed bug leading to extra blank lines in native code cells under certain circumstances.

Version 1.19.0

  • Mustache parsing logic now contains some simple checks for bad Mustache template syntax. It will detect, and issue warnings, for the following incorrect Mustache substitutions:

    • {{tag} (missing a closing brace)
    • {{#tag} (missing a closing brace)
    • {{/tag} (missing a closing brace)
    • {tag}} (missing opening brace)
    • {#tag}} (missing opening brace)
    • {/tag}} (missing opening brace)
  • Added the following Mustache tests:

    • {{#self_paced}}self-paced-only content{{/self-paced}}: Emits the specified content if the build is for self-paced curriculum; omits the content if the build is for ILT curriculum.
    • {{#ilt}}instructor led-only content{{/ilt}}: Emits the specified content if the build is for ILT curriculum; omits the content if the build is for self-paced curriculum.
  • A revealable hints section can now have no hints (i.e., just the revealable answer.)

Version 1.18.0

The Mustache templates now support {{#scala}}, {{#sql}}, {{#python}} and {{#r}} tests, which can be used to include conditional content based on the output language.

Version 1.17.0

Extended the Mustache templates to support revealable hints. See the README for details.

Version 1.16.0

If templates are enabled (the --template command line parameter, or an option in the Params object for the API call), Markdown cells are run through a Mustache template processor. This step allows conditional text and variable substitution.

Version 1.15.2:

Fixed a runnable TODO cell bug: Using a label (e.g., ALL_NOTEBOOKS) in a runnable TODO cell did not work properly. The additional label was uncommented (e.g., // ALL_NOTEBOOKS became just ALL_NOTEBOOKS) and then wasn't removed from the generated output, because it no longer matched the label pattern. For example, a cell like this:


was rendered as:


Version 1.15.1:

  • VIDEO didn't work in conjunction with SELF_PACED_ONLY and ILT_ONLY. Now it does.

Version 1.15.0:


Version 1.14.0:

  • Added support for runnable TODO cells.

Version 1.13.3:

  • Reformatted debug output slightly.

Version 1.13.2:

  • Fixed a bug in the handling of inline tokens that led to cells being suppressed or mis-marked with the %md-sandbox under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug where a cell with a keyword (e.g., // AMAZON_ONLY) and a // VIDEO label failed to get rid of the keyword.

Version 1.13.1:

  • Updated output for -- VIDEO to fix some issues.

Version 1.13.0:

  • Added support for AZURE_ONLY and AMAZON_ONLY tags, triggered by --target-profile command line argument.

Version 1.12.3:

  • Added border around video player.

Version 1.12.2:

  • Updated generated S3 links to point to
  • Updated style for header image.

Version 1.12.1:

  • Changed default header image.

Version 1.12.0:

  • ALLOW --ANSWER in markdown cells. This addresses a usecase where we want additional documentation that appears only in answer notebooks to explain a solution.

Version 1.11.2:

  • Default footer now includes a support link.

Version 1.11.1:

  • Master parser now emits %scala, %python, %r, %sql, %markdown and %markdown-sandbox on their own lines (i.e., any cell content starts on the second line of the cell). Previously, it only did so for %scala, %python and %r. With other "magic" cells (%run, %fs, %sh), the cell content starts on the same line as the magic token.
  • Changed insertion of Creative Commons license (-cc option) to ensure that the license cell is %md-markdown, not %md.
  • Fixed incorrect formatting when both the Databricks training heading and the Creative Commons license are selected.

Version 1.11.0:

  • Fixed footer logic to handle Scala (i.e., to use the proper language-specific) comment syntax.
  • Added --notebook-footer and --footer arguments to control the generated footer (both the content and whether the footer is added). Consistent with --notebook-heading and --heading, the footer is off by default.
  • Added --copyright YEAR option, to specify the copyright year that is substituted into the default footer.

Version 1.10.0:

  • Added automatic copyright footer to generated notebooks.

Version 1.9.0:

  • Video tag is now -- VIDEO id [title], where id is a video ID. Videos are now assumed to reside on
  • :HINT: now expands to an image and text, not just text.
  • :NOTE: has been removed. (Use :SIDENOTE:, instead.)
  • :KEYPOINT:, :INSIGHT:, :WARNING have been removed.
  • Fixed code that renders inline tokens (:HINT:, etc.) to render them in %md-sandbox if necessary.

Version 1.8.0

  • Added support for inline callouts. The tokens :HINT:, :CAUTION:, :WARNING:,:BESTPRACTICE:, :KEYPOINT:, :SIDENOTE:, and :INSIGHT: are replaced, inline, with appropriate expansions.

Version 1.7.2:

  • Fixes to handle both %r and %md-sandbox.

Version 1.7.1:

  • Updates to fix handling of %run. Breaks %r!

Version 1.7.0:

  • Add cell validity checks that ensure that some commands can only appear in certain cells.
  • TEST cells can now have an annotation after the word TEST, and if the annotation is missing, the tool adds one. Thus, in a code cell, the line TEST - You can use this cell to test your solution will be emitted as is, but the cell TEST will be transformed to TEST - Run this cell to test your solution.

Version 1.6.0:

  • Removed NOTEBOOK_HEADING command, in favor of --heading command line option that automatically adds the heading as the first cell in generated notebooks.

Version 1.5.0:

  • Added support for VIDEO <url> <title> command.
  • Updated format of default notebook heading.
  • Deprecated the DATABRICKS_ONLY command.
  • Un-deprecated the PRIVATE_TEST command.

Version 1.4.1:

  • Fixed bug where notebook heading wasn't properly generated.
  • Changed TRAINING_HEADING to the more general-purpose NOTEBOOK_HEADING.
  • Changed -th (--training-heading) option to -nh (--notebook-heading), and made corresponding API changes.

Version 1.4.0:

  • Added TRAINING_HEADING command, which replaces the (Markdown) cell in which it appears with a standard heading.
  • Added a -th (--training-heading) command line option that permits overriding the standard heading with the contents of some other file.

Version 1.3.1:

  • Fixed a bug causing a mishandling of any language cell (e.g., %sql, %r) that has the ALL_NOTEBOOKS and one of TODO or ANSWER.

Version 1.3.0:

  • Master parser now generates three broad kinds of notebooks: instructor, exercises, and answers.
    • The exercises notebook is what used to be called the "student" notebook. It omits any cells marked ANSWER, and it omits any INSTRUCTOR_NOTE cells.
    • The instructor notebook is what used to be called the "answers" notebook. It omits any TODO cells, contains all ANSWER cells, and contains reformatted INSTRUCTOR_NOTE cells.
    • The answers notebook is almost identical to the instructor notebook, except that it does not contain INSTRUCTOR_NOTE cells.
  • Added deprecation warnings for PRIVATE_TEST, INLINE and IPYTHON_ONLY labels.
  • Added change log.