There are lots of ways to prepare for an event. This document highlights only the technical aspects of preparation. There are lots of logistical and other aspects to look out for as well, but this is the minimum needed to use the workflow outlined in this repository.
Before starting, your team should:
- Make sure you have a few thumb drives, sd cards, or external storage devices. Since you're all in the same place, it's easier to download and upload each file once, and these will help the work flow smoothly.
- Make sure you know which spreadsheets you'll be using, and where to begin.
- Sign up for the datarefuge slack and make sure there's a channel for your event.
- Each team should have team leaders. Leaders of uploaders, baggers, and metadata should schedule a call with DataRefuge to go over the process and get the following:
- Get the name of the s3 bucket for your event from DataRefuge. Each event has its own, so you'll need to add that info to the S3 info for all datasets/urls you tackle at your event to make the URL of your final bags populate the right field.
- Uploaders will need to be given credentials for s3. Uploaders need not be coders, but they should have a little experience working in command line, and computers with python 2.7.
- Metadata folks will need to have credentials for ckan.
- Team leaders for the Seeders and Sorters should check in with EDGI folks for info about how to make sure that you're seeding and sorting. More info ...