You like the cool XKCD Look and Feel of the teaser chart? Then this repo/post is what you are looking for!
This repo is a companion of the post Pimp your Charts with the fancy XKCD Style.
Please check the post mentioned above for more details.
jupyterhub - A multi-user version of the notebook designed for companies, classrooms and research labs
docker compose up
xkcd_1 | Executing the command: jupyter lab
xkcd_1 | [I 16:44:48.348 LabApp] Writing notebook server cookie secret to /home/jovyan/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/notebook_cookie_secret
Note: The token of this setup is
Visit your local jupyterhub http://localhost:8888/.
Build the container in docker-env
eval $(minikube docker-env)
docker build -t xkcd-notebook .
...once the image is successfully built and tagged...
kubectl create namespace xkcd
kubectl -n xkcd create secret generic aws-credentials
kubectl -n xkcd apply -f k8s/xkcd-notebook-deployment.yaml
NOTEBOOK_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -n xkcd -l app=xkcd-notebook -o json | jq -r '.items[0]')
kubectl -n xkcd port-forward ${NOTEBOOK_POD_NAME} 8888:8888
Note: The token of this setup is
Visit your local jupyterhub http://localhost:8888/.
Empower the setup with graphviz
RUN apt-get install graphviz
RUN pip install graphviz
Check the Introduction to Graphviz in Jupyter Notebook for more in-depth information.
We use boto3 to interact with an S3 bucket.
RUN pip install boto3
Link your .aws/credentials
into the container like follows:
- .aws/credentials:/home/jovyan/.aws/credentials
Pimp the current setup:
RUN pip install findspark
Inside your Jupyter notebook:
import findspark