Released: 2025-02-16
- Pinned Textual to v1.0.0 for now; as v2.x has introduced some instability.
Released: 2025-01-28
- Extended the disabling of edits to any Raindrop associated with a file
that has been uploaded to
. In testing it seems the data loss happens with any Raindrop with
domain. (#128 in support of #123)
Released: 2025-01-27
- Tag suggestions displayed below the tag input field in the raindrop editing dialog now style locally-known tags differently from suggestions that haven't ever been used by the user. (#115)
- Fixed focus getting lost for a moment if it was within the details panel and the details panel was closed. (#114)
- Temporarily disabled the ability to edit a Raindrop that is an uploaded image type. (#124 in support of #123)
Released: 2025-01-15
- Made the code that loads a group's collections more defensive, hopefully to fix a crash one person was reporting. (#106)
Released: 2025-01-14
- Fixed the count of collections within a group when there is a hierarchy of collections in that group. (#86)
- Free text search now also looks in the link of a raindrop. (#96)
- Free text search now also looks in the domain of a raindrop. (#96)
- Added raindrop types to the navigation panel. (#100)
Released: 2025-01-11
- Fixed title and excerpt content not fully showing if there was text wrapped in square brackets within them. (#64)
- Added # as an alternative key for pulling up the tag search in the command palette. (#71)
- Added collection suggestions to the raindrop edit dialog. (#73)
- Added handling of the Raindrop.IO API rate limit when downloading all the data. (#22, #72)
- Fixed a problem where groups were showing the total collection count rather than the count of collections in that group. (#77)
- Fixed a crash after a redownload after a populated collection has been deleted. (#79)
Released: 2025-01-09
- Updated the help screen so that the command table shows the command name first. (#53)
- Updated the help screen so that the commands are sorted by the command name. (#53)
- Various cosmetic tweaks to the help screen. (#53)
- Notes are now rendered as a Markdown document. (#60)
- Fixed a crash caused by Raindrop sometimes including collections without parents in the list of child collections. (#61)
Released: 2025-01-08
- Fixed doubling-up of the raindrop details panel's help when the raindrop's tags have focus. (#39)
- Added a
Visit Link
command to the command palette. (#43) - Added v as a global key for visiting a currently-highlighted link. (#43)
- Added public/private icons to the raindrops list. (#48)
- Added public/private icons and the collection name to the raindrop detail view. (#48)
- Fixed a trashed raindrop, while still in trash, thinking its collection is the last collection it was in. (#47)
- Made compact mode sticky. (#51)
Released: 2025-01-05
- Small tweaks to the styling of the raindrop details panel. (#30)
- Improved the way the age and the tags share the line in the raindrops view widget. (#31)
- Improved the styling of the main panels. (#34)
- Existing data is now shown a wee bit earlier on startup. (#37)
Released: 2025-01-04
- Fixed unnecessary error notifications when asking for suggestions for an URL that isn't really an URL. (#21)
- Suggested URL when making a new raindrop is now taken from the first line of the clipboard, ignoring any other text. (#21)
Released: 2025-01-03
- Added the ability to add a raindrop. (#2)
- Added the ability to edit a raindrop. (#2)
- Added the ability to delete a raindrop. (#2)
- Changed the redownload decision to work off last update rather than last action. (#2)
Released: 2024-12-31
- Initial pre-release version; a read-only client to test and show off the UI.
Released: 2024-11-28
- Initial placeholder package to test that the name is available in PyPI.