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117 lines (92 loc) · 7.43 KB

File metadata and controls

117 lines (92 loc) · 7.43 KB

Things To Do


  1. Finalize what I want to game to actually be :(
  2. Implement a keyboard learning / language learning page.
  3. Harden server against malicious/malformed client inputs.
    • handle malformed websocket data from client. Just ignore it?
    • change exceptions on malformed data to short circuits?
  4. Record music.

Concrete TODOs

Things I feel like doing

  1. upgrade to 4.9 and try using the satisfies operator
  2. Implement VisibleGrid rendering of player positions.
    • Implement screen scrolling option.
  3. Configure webpack esbuild-loader to use es2020 when output is for node.
  4. Add operator player action to "speak", which will cause the player to be highlighted until they stop speaking. Add some time-delay hysterisis for when stopping-of-speaking is counted.
  5. Unify CSS spacing values via variables.
  6. Implement a requirement that the area of the grid is some percentage greater than the number of players.
  7. Implement websocket heartbeat to check for broken connections (see ws readme for example).
  8. Display the operator's current sequence buffer.
  9. Reject a request if the requesting socket doesn't operate the specified player.

Things that I feel less like doing

  1. Webpack Add [hash] to output filenames and chunkFilenames when production mode.
    • Set the maxAge option for http server to at least a year.
  2. Game-Host Servers:
    • Disable connecting to public game servers when testing / disable connecting to servers that are using incompatible versions of the client/server communication.
  3. Change JsUtils to not wrap all its exports as an object?
    • The current wrapping is generally considered bad practice... But for this specific case I don't really mind it. If I were to refactor it all to import * as JsUtils from ..., it would enable inconsistent naming of the wrapper object.
  4. See if there is merit in giving any tile getters an argument on whether to filter for occupied or unoccupied tiles.

Things that are low priority

  1. Consider using dynamic import for visible grid implementations, since they are fairly large. This will probably complicate constructors due to introducing async...
  2. Try to change enums back to const enums and just use string literals to avoid linkage hoops. Just make sure type checking is in effect.
  3. Make a JsUtil function for shuffling an array in place. It may take an "upToIndex" (exclusive) argument for only sorting a starting range.
  4. Spectator mode for online games? O_o
  5. Add a WebPack HTML plugin instance for a custom 404 page.
  6. Consider heroku config garbage collection


  • Implement voice recognition: allow users to use voice instead of typing.
  • Implement translations of clientside strings.
  • Scroll to center the current operator if it intersects with some rootMargin of the .grid element.
    • Note: The Intersection Observer API will not work here- it doesn't trigger on re-parenting the target node.
  • Test performance when using cloneNode to create Tile elements versus all those calls to document.createElement.
  • Improve onboarding experience for new contributors:
    • git hook for push: if branch is dist, check that dist/package.json has changed.
  • Create a mask-safe icon that is large enough (min 144px)
  • Read about these topics and see how they might be useful
    • Heroku
  • To discourage players from spamming the keyboard, which would make them move chaotically really fast and defeat the educational purpose of the game, detect their success rate of pressing relevant keys, or the rate in terms of time. If they seem to be spamming, then somehow throttle their requests. Maybe stop responding for a brief period of time.
  • Look into switching from JsDoc to TsDoc
  • custom mouse images!

Bleeding Edge Experiments / Things being waited for

  • Once firefox supports content-visibility: auto;, try using it for hiding screens.
  • Remove type assertions after cloneNode once this gets resolved
  • Try turning on webpack.experiments.module.
  • Turn on TypeScript experimental decorators?
    • After reading the TC39 proposal docs and seeing how much they differ from TypeScript's current spec, I don't want to commit to something that will likely change drastically in the future.
  • look into using swc for TypeScript transpilation.
    • One advantage over esbuild is that I'm mainly only using it as a TypeScript transpiler with webpack. esbuild's project scope doesn't include babel-like behaviour, but swc does, which is a plus. The reverse is true of heavy minification, but webpack comes with terser for that, and minification is only done when bundling for production, which doesn't happen often.
    • Trying it out on 2021/04/22, the speed was pretty much the same as esbuild, but the TypeScript handling was not as smooth.

Research / Learning Links

Web API's

Presentation API:


When playing and pausing music, I can fade it in and out and then pause and resume the audio context to save device power. Either that, or I can apply a muffling effect when paused.

I should keep my audio loops as short as possible. Ie. Every audio file 4 measures long except the melody file which is maybe 12 measures long.

Here's something fun I can do (but don't have to).