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180 lines (142 loc) · 13.8 KB

File metadata and controls

180 lines (142 loc) · 13.8 KB

Things To Do


  • improve solver and puzzle-maker for order=5
  • draft archive
  • refactor and improve canonicalization
  • compare backtracking and stochastic search statistics
  • implement grid-serdes translator tool
  • refine archive
  • create a separate github repo for data. add as submodule?
  • emscripten build and website
  • puzzle creation experiments (see
  • optional async and batch-threading wrappers for long-running things
    • hm. less sure about how necessary this is now knowing about std::async.
  • minlexing canonicalization
  • compare canonicalization methods (performance / time-complexity)
  • language bindings for other languages see dedicated todo-file

Periodic Checkups

  • reuse lint (check licensing)
  • Examine contents of exported symbols (nm -nCD build/<config>/lib/ | less) and make sure nothing is exported that isn't intended to be.
  • Ensure dependencies that should be private to the library implementation aren't exposed in any way to the library interface.
  • Run static analyzers
  • Check which #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ / __cpp_lib_... blocks can be removed as emscripten updates its sysroot libc++.
  • Write comments for custom CMake commands and targets

Issues I'm watching:

Misc List

check CMAKE_LANG_COMPILER_FRONTEND_VARIANT to use msvc flags when compiler is clang-cl?

  • write a minimal file. examples:

  • profile for make_cols_valid not found in profile data.

    • could this be due to anonymous/unnamed namespaces?
      • If so, how could I fix this?
    • it's being inlined for both the training and optimized builds... do I need to make it not get inlined for the training build?
  • ctest for emscripten configuration

  • GCC -Wnrvo? or is it in -Wall?

usage docs for CMake:

  • building an app target (cmake --build . --config=Release --target okiidoku_cli)
  • installing an app target (cmake --install . --config=Release --component okiidoku_runtime [--prefix])
  • how to prevent program stack growth due to recursion for singles? consider giving CandPovs an internal data-only stack.
  • consider making subset finders take parameter of single subset size to try finding for instead of a ceiling-like parameter.

consider making cand masks have two lanes: one storing full O2BitArr, one storing just a byte. the byte lane is intended for use with subset finding and needs an additional array of o2x_t where indices (relative to the index of the beginning of the subset) correspond to bits of the byte mask, and the value is the value of the candidate (candidate tags). Then to remove a given candidate, can use simd to scan the candidate tags and get a byte where bits are set if the corresponding tag value matched the cand to remove, and then remove set bits of that byte from the byte storing subset candidates.

  • Currently avoiding using OKIIDOKU_MONO_INT_TS_TYPEDEFS in headers in classes.

    • Was worried about the "header size" cost. I think I'm probably prematurely optimizing.
    • give this a try
  • Come up with a precondition-checking strategy for language bindings. Options:

    • Leave it as a user responsibility to know and follow contracts.
    • Throw exception on the other language side.
  • think about this

  • Collect some statistics on how much overlap there usually is between the size-4 UA sets found. A very narrow, simple way to do this is just count how many unique cells are covered, and compare to the number of non-unique cells covered.

  • try focusing guesses on the cell ruling out a known solution

  • see the TODO for get_guess_grouping.

  • try to use unavoidable set / deadly pattern detection to optimize proper-puzzle-making.

  • possible "deduction technique": given a cell that has multiple candidates, try guessing each candidate (to create "derivatives") and see how much more can be deduced for each derivative without further guessing after that. Any candidates that are ruled out for all the derivatives can be ruled out from the base.

  • consider a finder-heuristic that only starts using more powerful finders when the guess stack gets to a certain depth- at which point it unwinds to one-above the last frame that used more powerful finders, and uses more powerful finders.

    • Hm. But the guess stack depth doesn't necessarily correspond to when it may make the most sense to again use more expensive deduction techniques, since I don't know if there's any saying how much further deduction a guess may enable.
    • will have to create some modified version of unwinding which doesn't rule out the guess.
    • or more fine grained: each guess stack frame has a "logic depth/effort" field that describes the finders that were used before the guess was made. Ex. used up to finding subsets of size 2 before the guess was made.
  • play around with giving puzzle maker a threshold to stop trying to solve a candidate puzzle after N guesses, or give up (or mark as try-again-later) seeing if a given is safe to remove after N guesses.

  • Interesting:

  • cppcoreguidelines C.2: use class if there is an invariant, and struct otherwise.

    • hm. I mean- for a lot of my really simple structs there are invariants on integer bounds. Seems like judgement is required to choose where to draw the line with this guideline.
  • look into cppitertools for writing my raw loops. see if people say anything about performance overhead.

  • CI/CD

  • find out how to use the cppcoreguidelines checker

    • I want to use it in a way that is driven by cmake
  • see if grid qualities (like being a solution, being a proper puzzle, being a minimal puzzle), can be encoded through the type system and make it so that always-safe conversions (such as ) are easy, but "unsafe" (not always true) have to either go through an unsafe_cast_X_grid_to_Y_grid function, or go through a checked_cast_X_grid_to_Y_grid, which may have a non-trivial performance penalty.

    • This would allow making many of the current contracts part of the type system; turning-runtime-error-into-compiler-errors-TM. I would no longer need to write such contract and post-condition comments.
    • Definitely useful types: SolutionGrid, ProperPuzzleGrid, MaybeInvalidPuzzleGrid.
    • Maybe useful types: MinimalPuzzleGrid.
    • Things that might get ugly: the way they are, grid_is_filled and grid_is_valid would still require the caller to do some kind of unsafe-moving-cast to a new variable of a stronger type.
  • try DLL's again? read the docs actually.

  • try writing custom GDB python pretty-printer for O2BitArr?

  • move the emoji definitions out of the program binary and externalize as a configurable data read in at runtime?

  • Go back and try the old canonicalization by rel row prob, but break ties by doing some brute force: try each tied permutation and valuate it according to some reduction of how it pushes rarer rel counts to the top left. Just be careful to shift to get rid of the main diagonal seam.

    • If there are multiple puddles of ties, the resolution of a puddle shouldn't depend on the resolution of any other puddle- only on the non-tied rows/columns. A consequence of this is that this resolution algorithm will not work if there are no non-tied rows/columns.
  1. Consider: The current relabelling canonicalization method may have a big weakness: I think ties can be easily crafted: consider the "Most Canonical" solution grid- it would be all ties. How can this be addressed? (Or perhaps the "Most Canonical" grid is the only weakness?)
    • Break ties by designing a way to give symbols that frequently cohabit atoms label-values that are closer together in value:
    • The cohabitation table can be tiled; a coordinate's vertical or horizontal distance (these are the same, since relabelling moves both the col and row together) from the closest tiling of the main diagonal represents the distance of the labels from each other.
    • For each label, make an array where each index represents another label, and the value is an object containing the left and right distances between them, and the cohabitation count.
    • Hm. So far this seems to suggest a hill-climbing / brute-force-type solution...
  • Decide what interfaces to support:
  • C++20
    • using enum. Might want to wait for CLANG to support?
  • C++23
    • std::to_underlying() strange since cppref says all my standard library versions support it already? but it doesn't compile?
    • std::unreachable()
    • std::ranges::iota()
    • std::views::chunk()
      • could this be useful for canon_place? I tried messing around with range-v3 on compiler explorer and had trouble with the whole action vs algorithm, container vs view thing. Didn't know what I was doing and could achieve what I wanted.
    • alternative to std::chunk, look into mdspan (multi-dimensional span). Seems like this is more of what I'm looking for.
    • multidimensional subscript operator
  • CLI
    • implement -h and --help CLI argument.
    • give a red message when trying to continue and nothing is left to be found.
  • do I want to generate doxygen docs?