Modify image shape to fit the pretrained model.
Resnet_v2: [224, 224] (I've tried 244x244 and it also worked @@)
# ResNet-101 for image classification into 1000 classes: # inputs has shape [batch, 224, 224, 3] with slim.arg_scope(resnet_v2.resnet_arg_scope()): net, end_points = resnet_v2.resnet_v2_101(inputs, 1000, is_training=False)
Inception_v3: [299, 299]
Change global variable
# Extract dataset
tar xzf flower_photos.tar.gz
# Generate numpy array format and reshape image size
- Process the data to fit the pre-trained model's input
- Load pre-processed data
- Load the model
- Model itself
- Specify the parameters we want to keep
- basically exclude the inference weights
- Specify the parameters we want to train
- Define loss function and training process
- Load parameters into the model
- Now it should be able to train
- TensorFlow-Slim image classification model library
- TensorFlow-Slim
- Tensorflow
import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim
# import tensorflow as tf
# slim = tf.contrib.slim
import tensorflow.contrib.slim.python.slim.nets.resnet_v2 as resnet_v2
# Download pretrained checkpoint
mkdir pretrained
# Extract checkpoint
tar xzf resnet_v2_152_2017_04_14.tar.gz -C pretrained
# Train model
# Date: Tue Dec 4 06:50:20 PST 2018
# Job ID: 203984.c009
# User: u22711
# Resources: neednodes=1:ppn=2,nodes=1:ppn=2,vmem=92gb,walltime=06:00:00
Starting resnet_v2
2894 training examples, 391 validation examples and 385 testing examples.
Loading tuned variables from pretrained/resnet_v2_152.ckpt
Step 0: Training loss is 2.5 Validation accuracy = 9.2%
Step 30: Training loss is 1.8 Validation accuracy = 36.8%
Step 60: Training loss is 1.2 Validation accuracy = 56.3%
Step 90: Training loss is 1.0 Validation accuracy = 62.4%
Step 120: Training loss is 1.3 Validation accuracy = 65.5%
Step 150: Training loss is 1.1 Validation accuracy = 68.8%
Step 180: Training loss is 1.0 Validation accuracy = 70.1%
Step 210: Training loss is 0.9 Validation accuracy = 70.8%
Step 240: Training loss is 0.8 Validation accuracy = 72.6%
Step 270: Training loss is 0.7 Validation accuracy = 74.7%
Step 299: Training loss is 1.0 Validation accuracy = 74.9%
Final test accuracy = 82.6%
End of resnet_v2
# End of output for job 203984.c009
# Date: Tue Dec 4 06:59:53 PST 2018
from tensorflow.contrib.slim.python.slim.nets import inception_v3
There are different mechanism between pretrained models.
In Inception_v3 you need to find tf.variable_scope
you want to train and then exclude it.
For example:
- Final pooling and prediction: Logits
- Auxiliary Head logits: AuxLogits
# Download pretrained checkpoint
mkdir pretrained
# Extract checkpoint
tar xzf inception_v3_2016_08_28.tar.gz -C pretrained
# Train model
# Date: Tue Dec 4 04:37:31 PST 2018
# Job ID: 203923.c009
# User: u22711
# Resources: neednodes=1:ppn=2,nodes=1:ppn=2,vmem=92gb,walltime=06:00:00
2985 training examples, 337 validation examples and 348 testing examples.
Loading tuned variables from pretrained/inception_v3.ckpt
Step 0: Training loss is 1.9 Validation accuracy = 19.3%
Step 30: Training loss is 1.9 Validation accuracy = 25.5%
Step 60: Training loss is 1.6 Validation accuracy = 44.2%
Step 90: Training loss is 1.0 Validation accuracy = 75.7%
Step 120: Training loss is 0.6 Validation accuracy = 88.7%
Step 150: Training loss is 0.5 Validation accuracy = 92.3%
Step 180: Training loss is 0.7 Validation accuracy = 92.3%
Step 210: Training loss is 0.4 Validation accuracy = 92.3%
Step 240: Training loss is 0.3 Validation accuracy = 93.8%
Step 270: Training loss is 0.2 Validation accuracy = 93.8%
Step 299: Training loss is 0.2 Validation accuracy = 92.9%
Final test accuracy = 94.5%
# End of output for job 203923.c009
# Date: Tue Dec 4 04:52:28 PST 2018
Transfer Learning