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File metadata and controls

78 lines (50 loc) · 3.43 KB

Running the server

  1. install libusb: sudo apt update && sudo apt install libudev-dev libsystemd-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-0.1-4
  2. install gawk (for the auto-update script): sudo apt install gawk
  3. give permission for the move controller(s) to your user
    1. create a group called psmove (sudo groupadd psmove)

    2. give permission to access the USB devices of PS:

      1. create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/10-psmove-hidraw-permissions.rules with:

      KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", MODE="0660", GROUP="psmove"

    3. Add ClassicBondedOnly=false to /etc/bluetooth/input.conf (a workaround due to latest bluez updates breaking this see this)

    4. add your user to that group sudo usermod -a -G psmove $USER

Note: On Ubuntu, you might need to run rfkill unblock bluetooth.

Then just export RUST_LOG=info,rusty_controller=debug; cargo run.


Due to lack of a bluetooth library in Rust, the pairing isn't implemented. (currently there are bluetooth low-energy libraries, but those don't use psmove's version of bluetooth)

The pairing is done manually with psmoveapi.

Compiling psmoveapi

  • sudo apt install cmake build-essential libudev-dev libbluetooth-dev libusb-dev libsystemd-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-0.1-4 libdbus-1-dev
  • git clone && cd psmoveapi && git submodule update --init external/hidapi/ external/libusb-1.0/
  • Remove from CMakeLists.txt:
    • include("examples/CMakeLists.txt")
    • the PS3Eye block
  • Remove "tracker" from src/CMakeLists.txt (around line 176)
  • cmake .
  • make -j4

Windows limitation

The GraphQL subscription and controller updates are very slow on Windows.


Currently, there's a GitHub action that runs on every main branch push, building for Ubuntu, and replacing the latest build in releases.

The auto-update script, clones/pulls main, builds the binary.

If the build newer, runs, which re-launches Rusty.

Note: This whole process achieves minimal downtime, by launching only after having it built.

You can run it every midnight or so, by adding the following line on: crontab -e.

0 0 * * * ( cd /home/kali/RustyController && cp server/scripts/ /tmp/ && bash /tmp/ >> /var/log/rusty-controller/auto_update.log 2>&1 )

Launch all script

Launches everything, it's meant to be run at reboot.

It also launches prometheus exporters (in case either is present in PATH), namely node_exporter and process-exporter.

To set them up, just download their binaries and move them to somewhere on PATH such as: /usr/bin.

Grafana stack

To launch Grafana (along with Loki and Prometheus), run docker compose -f grafana.yaml up -d on the docker folder.

To get the host machine's metrics, you need to run node_exporter. (a simple binary that exposes the metrics via an endpoint)


That cron logs to /var/log/rusty-controller, if you're running as a non-sudo user, you need to create and give permission to that folder beforehand.

sudo mkdir -p /var/log/rusty-controller && sudo chown -R your_user:your_group /var/log/rusty-controller