- Breaking changes
- History is now an interface and is implemented by PushHistory and HashHistory. HashHistory plays nice with the webdev pub package and github pages.
- Breaking changes:
- withState now takes named parameters
- use build_runner test in travis
- fix vIterable issues
- Breaking changes
- Viterable now requires children be passed to its constructor
- fix issue where adding fields did not work
- remove usage of new keyword to construct vnodes
- add viterable example
- fix casting issues due to dart 2s new type system (internals only)
- _setSubs is now dynamic in VElement
- _pendingStateSetter is now dynamicly typed
- Added vif parameter to Component, which can be used for easy conditional rendering
- Added VText vNode, which can be used to render text nodes without additional elements being added to the DOM
- Added VIterable vNode, which can be used to return a list of VNodes from a render function. This is experimental and has known issues.
- Breaking changes:
- The following classes now take named required/optional parameters in constructor:
- ContextSetter
- UpdateBlocker
- Pure
- Perf
- HistoryProvider
- Router
- Route
- The following classes now take named required/optional parameters in constructor:
- Added UpdateDebugger, which prints props & state changes in componentWillUpdate
- Added createEventHandler function which can be used to memoize inline functions in functional components
- Added withContext HOC
- Added withHistory HOC
- fix bug where ref was not set after component updates caused change in ref
- fix issue around remove and readding event subscriptions on dom elements
- Added router component that lets you decalare which components to render for a given route
- Breaking changes:
- Changed StyleBuilder from a typedef to an Object
- Keyed children can now be moved amongst their siblings while maintaining their state
- added an exported function, unmount, which disposes a vnode and removes it from the dom.
- added NComponent and NCComponent for when you want a component with Null prop and state types.
- Breaking changes:
- removed element generic from withRef
- removed added update type to withState hoc
performance audit:
- move to usage of maps for set properties on velements
- move to usage of custom attribute diffing
- use
ele.text = '';
to remove all children from an element - use node.firstChild rather than node.children.first
- use ++i and --i instead of i++ and i--
bug fixes:
- correctly clean up beforeAnimationFrame callbacks after components are unmounted
- Add changelog.
- Move home_page into example and rename to docs.
- fix issue where removing some, but not all, children caused errors
- Added Perf HOC
- Breaking changes:
- Made functional library's HOC classes private.
- componentDidMount is now called after the new element is actually appended to the dom.
- Added docs
- Made child public on the component api.
- Key change now forces a rerender.
- Added a virtual element factory for every tag supported in HTML5.
- Added updateOnAnimationFrame to the component api.
- Added setStateOnAnimationFrame to the component api.
- Added beforeAnimationFrame to the component api.
- Added should abort option to updateOnIdle.
- Added setState and setStateOnIdle.
- Added component package.