The cake is a lie... Now, with that out of my system, what is the cake pattern and didn't we learn to hate it in PHP? Lets ignore that for now and look at the core of what the pattern is trying to solve: dependency injection. Lets take a look at a basic example.
trait Foo {
type Foosical
def iPittyThe: Foosical
trait Bar {
val foo: Foo
import foo._
type Result
def serve: foo.Foosical = foo.iPittyThe
def drink(the: foo.Foosical): Result
We created two types Foo
and Bar
where Bar
depends on the world of Foo
. One nice thing to point out is that both Foosical
and Result
are not defined yet; these interfaces work for all Foosical
and Result
. Now, before we can get Bar
to drink
anything, we really do need to know what the type is, so lets define them.
trait SimpleFoo extends Foo {
case class Isical(brand: String)
type Foosical = Isical
trait SimpleBar extends Bar {
val foo: Foo with SimpleFoo
import foo._
type Result = Option[String]
def drink(the: foo.Foosical): Result = the.brand match {
case "icy" => Some("it was good")
case _ => None
Here we created two new traits that extend the traits from before, but now put a bound to the types Foosical
and Result
so we have something we can work with. We have still not tied these to real implementations yet so lets do that.
object IcyFoo extends SimpleFoo {
val iPittyThe: Foosical = Isical("icy")
object NonNameBrandFoo extends SimpleFoo {
val iPittyThe: Foosical = Isical("someone else!")
object IcyBar extends SimpleBar {
val foo: Foo with SimpleFoo = IcyFoo
object OtherBar extends SimpleBar {
val foo: Foo with SimpleFoo = NonNameBrandFoo
So what did we gain here? Well the concrete implementations are tied together in one location but the traits are not tied to concrete values. Second, we used [Path Dependent Types](Path Dependent Types.html) so you can't mix Foosicals
produced from different Bar
scala> IcyBar.drink(IcyBar.serve)
res0: IcyBar.Result = Some(it was good)
scala> IcyBar.drink(OtherBar.serve)
<console>:42: error: type mismatch;
found :
(which expands to)
(which expands to)
One negative is that IcyBar
won't except Foosical
s from IcyFoo
scala> IcyBar.drink(IcyFoo.iPittyThe)
<console>:40: error: type mismatch;
found : IcyFoo.Foosical
(which expands to) IcyFoo.Isical
(which expands to)
In this case this seems to be very restrictive since IcyFoo
and foo
are the same object and the compiler knows this! But this has one thing that is nice about it, that each trait lives in its own world and can't be polluted from the outside. Each trait is easier to test now since they can be tested in isolation.
Lets take a look at anther more concrete example
Lets say we are working on a new cluster management tool. A cluster is a named entity that has nodes (which are also named).
trait ClusterService {
case class Cluster(name: String) {
case class Node(name: String)
type Result[T]
def getCluster(name: String): Result[Cluster]
def createCluster(name: String): Result[Cluster]
def nodes(cluster: Cluster): NodeDetails[cluster.Node]
// can't make a bound to nodes since the type is dependent on cluster
trait NodeDetails[N] {
def list: Result[List[N]]
def create(name: String): Result[N]
Now that we have the ClusterService
we want to be able to do something with it, namely configure the cluster, and orchestrate actions against that cluster.
trait ConfigService {
// add the world of ClusterService as a dependency
val clusterService: ClusterService
import clusterService._
type Config
type Result[T]
* Save configs for a node within a cluster
def saveConfigs(cluster: Cluster, config: Config)(node: cluster.Node): Result[Unit]
def getConfigs(cluster: Cluster)(node: cluster.Node): Result[Config]
trait OrchestrationService {
// add the world of ClusterService as a dependency
val clusterService: ClusterService
import clusterService._
type Action
type Result
def run(action: Action)(cluster: Cluster)(nodes: List[cluster.Node]): Result
Now lets create a cluster service for testing
class MemoryClusterService extends ClusterService {
type Result[T] = Option[T]
val clusters = collection.mutable.Map.empty[String, Cluster]
val clusterNodes = collection.mutable.Map.empty[Cluster, List[Cluster#Node]]
def getCluster(name: String): Result[Cluster] = clusters.get(name)
def createCluster(name: String): Result[Cluster] = {
val cluster = Cluster(name)
clusters.update(name, cluster)
def nodes(cluster: Cluster): NodeDetails[cluster.Node] = new NodeDetails[cluster.Node] {
def list: Result[List[cluster.Node]] = clusterNodes.get(cluster).asInstanceOf[Result[List[cluster.Node]]]
def create(name: String): Result[cluster.Node] = {
val node = cluster.Node(name)
val localClusterNodes = list.getOrElse(List[cluster.Node]())
clusterNodes.update(cluster, node :: localClusterNodes)
This MemoryClusterService
is fully isolated. Two different services can not interact with each other.
scala> new MemoryClusterService
res1: MemoryClusterService = MemoryClusterService@5e2b9b75
scala> res1.nodes(res1.createCluster("foo").get)
res2: res1.NodeDetails[cluster.Node] = MemoryClusterService$$anon$1@65231516
scala> res2.list
res3: res1.Result[List[cluster.Node]] = None
scala> res2.create("")
res4: res1.Result[cluster.Node] = Some(Node(
scala> res2.list
res5: res1.Result[List[cluster.Node]] = Some(List(Node(
scala> // lets try to pollute res1
scala> new MemoryClusterService
res6: MemoryClusterService = MemoryClusterService@65c94f13
scala> res1.nodes(res6.createCluster("foo").get)
<console>:63: error: type mismatch;
found : res6.Cluster
required: res1.Cluster
In the cake pattern, you define a set of dependent types that live in their own isolated world. When you build your application, you "layer" these types together to make the cake.
This is from the talk Designing Abstract with Types by Chris Sachs. Cup cake pattern is "a mini cake pattern".
To better understand scala's cake pattern, there is a very helpful video that explains it all: Cake