Dan Čermák
- a web application
- automated test framework for a SUT
- simulate user input
- match video feed using OpenCV
Why should I use openQA?
- automate manual system level testing
- @@html: <i class=”fas fa-users”></i>@@ user-centric testing
- runs on bare metal
- test labeling: @@html:<i class=”fas fa-tags”></i>@@, @@html:<i class=”fas fa-bug”></i>@@ and reviews @@html: <i class=”eos-icons”>rate_review</i>@@
- battle tested (used at @@html: <i class=”fab fa-suse”></i>, <i class=”fab fa-fedora”></i>, <i class=”fab fa-redhat”></i>@@, …)
- LTP integration
- @@html: <i class=”far fa-hdd”></i>@@ produce test artifacts & handle assets
- @@html: <i class=”fas fa-code-branch”></i>@@ dependency between tests & scheduling
- @@html: <i class=”fas fa-tags”></i>@@ tag & review workflows and tests
- @@html: <i class=”fas fa-layer-group”></i>@@ test grouping
- support qemu/libvirt, ipmi, bare metal, x3270
sub run() {
send_key_until_needlematch('desktop', 'alt-f4');
- get your feet wet on an existing instance
- setup a local instance
- read the documentation
- watch the tutorials
recommended steps:
- start by modifying needles
- extend existing tests
- write your own tests
- add your own test group and schedule it
Here be @@html: <i class=”fas fa-dragon”></i>@@
- no scheduler needed? → Container based setup
- start from the minimal example
- schedule tests in
- learn about job groups & test suites
- @@html: <i class=”fas fa-magic”></i>@@
- 🎉
on chat.freenode.net:
- #opensuse-factory
- #fedora-qa
- source code: @@html: <i class=”fab fa-github”></i>@@ os-autoinst
- openQA Homepage
- openSUSE’s instance
- Fedora’s instance
- slides: @@html: <i class=”fab fa-github”></i>@@ =dcermak/devconf.cz_2021=
- openQA Logo GPL-2.0-or-later
- OpenCV Logo © OpenCV
- DevConf CZ Logo GPL-3.0-or-later or GPL-3.0
- Raspberry Pi Logo © and ™ of the Raspberry Pi Foundation
- reveal.js MIT
- Font Awesome CC-BY-4.0 and SIL OFL 1.1 and MIT
- EOS Icons MIT
- U.S. Army recruitment poster public domain
- RPi testing photo by Guillaume Gardet