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Fast Data: Financial Transaction Processing with Apache Flink and Kubernetes

During this demo we use Apache Flink and Apache Kafka to setup a high-volume financial transactions pipeline. Note, this is a derivate of the Apache Flink Stream Processing demo, where we use Kubernetes to deploy the generator and viewer microservices.

  • Estimated time for completion:
  • Manual install: 15 minutes
  • Target audience: Anyone interested in stream data processing and analytics with Apache Kafka and Apache Flink.

A video of this demo can be found here.

Table of Contents:


Financial transaction processing demo architecture

This demo implements a data processing infrastructure that is able to spot money laundering. In the context of money laundering, we want to detect amounts larger than $10.000 transferred between two accounts, even if that amount is split into many small batches. See also US and EU legislation and regulations on this topic for more information.

The architecture follows more or less the SMACK stack architecture:

  • Events: Event are being generated by a small generator application written in Go. The events are in the form 'Sunday, 23-Jul-17 01:06:47 UTC;66;26;7810', where the first field '23-Jul-17 01:06:47 UTC' represents the (increasing) timestamp of transactions; the second field '66' represent the sender account; the third field the receiver account; and the fourth field represent the dollar amount transferred during that transaction.
  • Ingestion: The generated events are being ingested and buffered by a Kafka queue with the default topic 'transactions'. Being a Microservice we will deploy the data-generator on Kubernetes.
  • Stream Processing: As we require fast response times, we use Apache Flink as a Stream processor running the FinancialTransactionJob.
  • Storage: Here we diverge a bit from the typical SMACK stack setup and don't write the results into a Datastore such as Apache Cassandra. Instead we write the results again into a Kafka Stream (default: 'fraud'). Note, that Kafka also offers data persistence for all unprocessed events.
  • Actor: In order to view the results we use another small viewer, again written in Go, which simply reads and displays the results from the output Kafka stream. Being a Microservice we will deploy the viewer on Kubernetes.


  • A running DC/OS 1.13 or higher cluster with at least 4 private agents and 1 public agent. Each agent should have 2 CPUs and 5 GB of RAM available. The DC/OS CLI also needs to be installed. The instructions below have assumed a deployment of the open-source version of DC/OS.

The DC/OS services used in the demo are as follows:

  • Apache Kafka
  • Apache Flink
  • Kubernetes



Install the Apache Kafka package :

dcos package install kafka

Note that if you are unfamiliar with Kafka and its terminology, you can check out the respective 101 example.

Next, figure out where the broker is:

$ dcos kafka endpoints broker
  "address": [
  "dns": [
  "vip": ""

Note the FQDN for the vip, in our case, which is independent of the actual broker locations. It is possible to use the FQDN of any of the brokers, but using the VIP FQDN will give us load balancing.

Create Kafka Topics

Fortunately, creating topic is very simple using the DC/OS Kafka CLI. If you have installed Kafka from the UI you might have to install the cli extensions using `dcos package install kafka --cli'. If you installed Kafka as above using the CLI then it will automatically install the CLI extensions.

We need two Kafka topics, one with the generated transactions and one for fraudulent transactions, which we can create with:

dcos kafka topic create transactions


dcos kafka topic create fraud


Then we can deploy Apache Flink:

dcos package install flink


As we want to deploy both the generator and viewer microservice on Kubernetes, we need to install Kubernetes next. The process for this starts with a simple:

dcos package install kubernetes

With this package installed, we then need to create a Kubernetes cluster. This can done with the following command:

dcos kubernetes cluster create

This will create a default cluster for us, imaginatively titled kubernetes-cluster. We can verify its state as follows:

$ dcos kubernetes cluster debug plan status deploy --cluster-name=kubernetes-cluster
Using Kubernetes cluster: kubernetes-cluster
deploy (serial strategy) (COMPLETE)
├─ etcd (serial strategy) (COMPLETE)
│  └─ etcd-0:[peer] (COMPLETE)
├─ control-plane (dependency strategy) (COMPLETE)
│  └─ kube-control-plane-0:[instance] (COMPLETE)
├─ mandatory-addons (serial strategy) (COMPLETE)
│  └─ mandatory-addons-0:[instance] (COMPLETE)
├─ node (dependency strategy) (COMPLETE)
│  └─ kube-node-0:[kubelet] (COMPLETE)
└─ public-node (dependency strategy) (COMPLETE)

When all those components are in the COMPLETE state, we can move on to the next step which is to expose the Kubernetes APIs outside of the DC/OS cluster. This enables native K8s clients to be able to talk to them directly. To do this, we need to install a loadbalancer - and in this example we're going to use Marathon-LB. Install the package:

dcos package install marathon-lb

Then we need to define our virtual loadbalancer that will sit in front of and expose the Kubernetes APIs. We can do this with the following command:

dcos marathon app add

NB: Depending on how - and where - your DC/OS infrastructure is deployed, you might need to update any firewall (security group) rules as well as adding a listener to your infrastructure's loadbalancer if it's sat in front of your public agent(s).

At this point our K8s cluster is being exposed via Marathon-LB. To confirm, run the following curl command:

$ curl -k https://<YOUR EXTERNAL URL>:6443
  "kind": "Status",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "metadata": {

  "status": "Failure",
  "message": "Unauthorized",
  "reason": "Unauthorized",
  "code": 401

The HTTP/401 is an authorisation failure being returned from the K8s API, which shows that we have network connectivity and that it's responding as expected at this point. With that working, we then need to configure kubectl (The Kubernetes command line tool):

dcos kubernetes cluster kubeconfig \
    --cluster-name=kubernetes-cluster \
    --apiserver-url https://<YOUR EXTERNAL URL>:6443 \

NB: For this command to work, the dcos CLI needs to be configured to talk to your DC/OS API via HTTPS. See additional notes here for verification and how to change.

And then verify operation of the kubectl command:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                                                     STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
kube-control-plane-0-instance.kubernetes-cluster.mesos   Ready    master   49m   v1.14.1
kube-node-0-kubelet.kubernetes-cluster.mesos             Ready    <none>   47m   v1.14.1


Now, we can deploy the data generator using the flink-demo-generator.yaml deployment definition:

kubectl apply -f

We can check the status of the deployment:

kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods

We can also view the log output to make sure it is generating events as expected (you will need to use the actual pod id from the previous command):

kubectl logs flink-demo-generator-655890656-8d1ls

Final View

After install your DC/OS UI should look as follows:

All services of the fintrans demo in the DC/OS UI


The core piece of this demo is the FinancialTransactionJob which we will submit to Flink.

First we need to upload the jar file into Flink. Please note that the jar file is too large to be included in this github repo, but can be downloaded here.

In the Services tab of the DCOS UI, hover over the name of the flink service, and click on the link which appears to the right of it. This will open the Flink web UI in a new tab.

Flink UI

In the Flink web UI, click on Submit New Job, then click the Add New button. This will allow you to select the jar file from $DEMO_HOME and upload it.

Jar file uploaded

Once we hit Submit, we should see the job begin to run in the Flink web UI.

Running Flink job

Viewing Output

Now once the Flink job is running, we only need a way to visualize the results. We do that with another simple app and again we will deploy this microservice using Kubernetes via the flink-demo-actor.yaml deployment definition:

kubectl apply -f

We can check the status of the deployment:

kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods

We can also view the log output to make we are detecting fraud as expected (you will need to use the actual pod id from the previous command):

$ kubectl logs flink-demo-actor--655890656-8d1ls
Detected Fraud:   TransactionAggregate {startTimestamp=0, endTimestamp=1520473325000, totalAmount=23597:
Transaction{timestamp=1520473023000, origin=3, target='7', amount=5857}
Transaction{timestamp=1520473099000, origin=3, target='7', amount=7062}
Transaction{timestamp=1520473134000, origin=3, target='7', amount=9322}
Transaction{timestamp=1520473167000, origin=3, target='7', amount=921}
Transaction{timestamp=1520473325000, origin=3, target='7', amount=435}}

Detected Fraud:   TransactionAggregate {startTimestamp=0, endTimestamp=1520473387000, totalAmount=47574:
Transaction{timestamp=1520472901000, origin=0, target='2', amount=6955}
Transaction{timestamp=1520472911000, origin=0, target='2', amount=4721}
Transaction{timestamp=1520472963000, origin=0, target='2', amount=3451}
Transaction{timestamp=1520473053000, origin=0, target='2', amount=9361}
Transaction{timestamp=1520473109000, origin=0, target='2', amount=5306}
Transaction{timestamp=1520473346000, origin=0, target='2', amount=4071}
Transaction{timestamp=1520473365000, origin=0, target='2', amount=3974}
Transaction{timestamp=1520473387000, origin=0, target='2', amount=9735}}

Detected Fraud:   TransactionAggregate {startTimestamp=0, endTimestamp=1520473412000, totalAmount=21402:
Transaction{timestamp=1520472906000, origin=2, target='3', amount=8613}
Transaction{timestamp=1520473004000, origin=2, target='3', amount=5027}
Transaction{timestamp=1520473050000, origin=2, target='3', amount=924}
Transaction{timestamp=1520473177000, origin=2, target='3', amount=1566}
Transaction{timestamp=1520473412000, origin=2, target='3', amount=5272}}


You can also install the Generator and Viewer applications in one step with Helm, the Kubernetes Package Manager.

Install Helm and configure repo

First up, install latest Helm release:

helm init --history-max 200

Then, you need to add this Chart repo:

helm repo add dlc
helm repo update

Install Flink-demo chart

To install the chart run:

$ helm install --name flink-demo --namespace flink dlc/flink-demo
NAME:   flink-demo
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Mar 15 11:15:45 2019

==> v1/Pod(related)
NAME                                   READY  STATUS             RESTARTS  AGE
flink-demo-actor-84b4db4479-tjbmt      0/1    ContainerCreating  0         0s
flink-demo-generator-6659cb477b-w2sj6  0/1    ContainerCreating  0         0s

==> v1beta2/Deployment
flink-demo-actor      0/1    1           0          0s
flink-demo-generator  0/1    1           0          0s

To verify that Display and Generator have started:

kubectl --namespace=flink get deployments -l "release=flink-demo, app=flink-demo-actor"
kubectl --namespace=flink get deployments -l "release=flink-demo, app=flink-demo-generator"

$ kubectl --n flink get deployments
NAME                   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
flink-demo-actor       1/1     1            1           64s
flink-demo-generator   1/1     1            1           64s

$ kubectl --n flink get pods
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
flink-demo-actor-84b4db4479-tjbmt       1/1     Running   0          59s
flink-demo-generator-6659cb477b-w2sj6   1/1     Running   0          59s

And finally, we can check the output logs:

kubectl logs -n flink flink-demo-actor-555c6d9767-hflvb


Should you have any questions or suggestions concerning the demo, please raise an issue either in GitHub or via our Jira, or let us know using the mailing list or community Slack.