Help Javascript
Any character^
Start of subject$
End of subject[
Start character class definition]
End character class definition|
Alternates (OR)(
Start subpattern)
End subpattern\b
Word boundary\B
Non-worn boundary\n
Form feed character\r
Carriage return character\t
Horizontal tab character\v
Vertical tab character\w
Word character\W
Non-word character\d
Space character, equialent to [ \t\r\n\v\f]\S
Non-space character, equialent to [^ \t\r\n\v\f]\
Escape charactern*
Zero or more of nn+
One or more of nn?
Zero or one occurrences of n{n}
n occurrences{n,}
At least n occurrences{,m}
At the most m occurrences{n,m}
Between n and m occurrences