Decay For Spicetify
This is a port of decay for spicetify
First install spicetify and run spicetify backup apply
(see the spicetify installation instructions).
Also remember to set the appropiate permissions when installing spicetify
Supposing that your spotify client is located under /usr/libexec/spotify and your root group is wheel
sudo chgrp wheel /usr/libexec/spotify
sudo chgrp wheel -R /usr/libexec/spotify/Apps
sudo chmod 775 /usr/libexec/spotify
sudo chmod 775 -R /usr/libexec/spotify/Apps
After installing spicetify you can start bootstrapping your config if there isn't some files inside ~/.config/spicetify
Running it with no flags just bootstraps your .config
Then clone the theme:
cd $HOME
git clone --depth=1
cd decay-spicetify
Then copy the appropiate files inside the spicetify's config.
test -d $HOME/.config/spicetify/Themes || mkdir -p $HOME/.config/spicetify/Themes
cp -r ./Themes/* ~/.config/spicetify/Themes
Then select your favorite theme:
with one of:decay
spicetify config current_theme <theme>
Then apply it!
spicetify apply
After that, open spotify and you'll see it with your theme applied :)
- AlphaTechnolog
- Spaxly (for great help :>)
That was all! Now enjoy with it, also, if you like decay, recommend us work to your friends :)