- Slash amounts support.
- Update cosmwasm.
- Slashing docs update.
- Osmosis price oracle.
- Native slashing.
- Multiple slash ratios.
- Clean up empty liens in vault.
- Specify precise deps / set minimum cw version.
- Modify jailing test helper to better reflect blockchain's behaviour.
- Fix: Filter out jailed validators from removed set.
- Slashing propagation accounting.
- Improve cross-bond/unbond process.
- Add code coverage.
- Disable native staking in vault.
- Improve rewards withdrawal process.
- Valset updates for external-staking.
- Remove empty messages / events.
- Fix virtual-staking slashing accounting.
- Cross-slashing implementation.
- Batch distribute rewards.
- Valset updates.
- Slashing accounting.
- Slashing propagation at the
contract level.
- IBC specification is added to the documents.
- IBC types and logic added to
support IBC- Handshake and channel creation
- Validator sync protocol (Consumer -> Provider) TODO: Dynamic updates
- Staking protocol (Provider -> Consumer)
- Rewards protocol (Consumer -> Provider -> Consumer)