The entry point of Mesh Security is the Vault. This is where a potential staker can provide collateral in the form of native tokens, with which he or she wants to stake on multiple chains.
Connected to the Vault contract, is exactly one Local Staking contract which can delegate the actual token to the native staking module. It also can connect to an arbitrary number of External Staking contracts which can make use of said collateral as "virtual stake" to use in an external staking system (one that doesn't directly use the vault token as collateral).
The key here is that we can safely use the same collateral for multiple protocols, as the maximum slashing penalty is significantly below 100%. If double-signing is penalized by a 5% slash (typical in Cosmos SDK chains), then one could safely use the same collateral to provide security to 20 chains, as even if every validator that used that collateral double-signed, there would still be enough stake to slash to cover that security promise.
Looking at extending the concept of mesh security to local DAOs, we see that there may be many different implementations of both the Local Staking concept and the External Staking concept. However, we must define standard interfaces here that can plug into the Vault.
We define this interface as a Lien Holder (as it accepts liens, i.e. embargable amounts).
- Vault - The main contract that holds all the collateral and liens.
- Native Token - The native staking token of this blockchain. More specifically, the token in which all collateral is measured.
- Local Staking - A contract that can delegate the native token to the native staking module.
- External Staking - A contract that can use the collateral as "virtual stake" in an external staking system.
- User - A user of the vault that provides collateral, to either the local staking or an external staking system.
- Lien - A promise to provide some amount of collateral to a lien holder.
- Lien Holder - A contract that accepts liens and can slash the collateral.
- Collateral - The total amount of collateral, in the native token, for a given user.
- Slashable Collateral - The total amount of collateral that can be slashed, in the native token, for a given user.
Liens(user).map(|x| x.amount * x.slashable).sum()
. - Maximum Lien - The maximum lien of all liens a user has.
Liens(user).map(|x| x.amount).max()
. - Free Collateral - The total collateral a user has, minus either their slashable collateral or their maximum lien (whatever is bigger).
Collateral(user) - max(SlashableCollateral(user), MaximumLien(user))
The vault contract requires one canonical Local Staking contract to be defined when it is created, and this contract address cannot be changed.
The vault contract doesn't require the External Stakers to be pre-registered. Each user can decide which external staker it trusts with their tokens. (We will provide guidance in the UI to only show "recommended" externals, but do not enforce at the contract level, if someone wants to build their own UI).
The vault contract enforces the maximum amount a given Lien Holder can slash to whatever was agreed upon when making the lien.
The vault contract will only release a lien when requested by the lien holder. (No auto-release override).
The vault contract may force-reduce the size of the lien only in the case of slashing by another lien holder. The lien holders must be able to handle this case properly.
The vault contract ensures the user's collateral is sufficient to service all the liens made on said collateral.
The vault contract may have a parameter to limit slashable collateral or maximum lien to less than 100% of the size of the collateral. This makes handling a small slash condition much simpler.
The lien holder is informed of a new lien, and may reject it by returning an error (e.g. if the slashing percentage is too small, or if the total credit would be too high).
The vault may slash the collateral associated to a given lien holder, up to the agreed upon amount when it was lent out.
The vault should release the lien once the lien holder terminates any agreement with the user.
- Config: General contract configuration.
- LocalStaking: Local staking info.
- Liens: All liens in the protocol. Liens are indexed with (user, lien_holder), as this pair has to be unique.
- Users: Per-user information. Collateral, max lien, total slashable amount, total used collateral and free collateral.
- Txs: Pending txs information.
SlashableCollateral(user) <= Collateral(user)
- for all users.MaximumLien(user) <= Collateral(user)
- for all users.Liens(user).map(|x| x.lien_holder).isUnique()
- for all users.
Provide Collateral (i.e. bond
Any user may deposit native tokens to the vault contract, thus increasing their collateral as stored in this contract.
Withdraw Collateral (i.e. unbond
Any user may withdraw any Free Collateral credited to their account. Their collateral is reduced by this amount and these native tokens are immediately transferred to their account.
Provide Lien (i.e. stake_local
This sends actual tokens to the local staking contract for native staking.
Native staking for a user is handled through a proxy contract (i.e. native_staking_proxy
which is owned by the native staking contract, and instantiated for each user.
Available collateral and related quantities are updated locally to the vault.
Provide Lien (i.e. stake_remote
Promises collateral as slashable to some lien holder. It is the responsibility of the vault to guarantee that that promise can be fulfilled (i.e. that the associated slashable amount is always available for eventual slashing).
This is updated locally to the vault.
Release Local Stake (i.e. release_local_stake
Local unstaking is initiated by the user on their corresponding native-staking-proxy contract (i.e. native-staking-proxy unstake
This is because unstaking requires an unbonding period to be enforced. Only after that unbonding period is over, the user's native-staking-proxy
contract allows the user to withdraw the unbonded amounts (i.e. withdraw_unbonded
). And only then it sends a message to the vault contract,
to release the associated "lien" (Properly, a claim. The implementation uses "lien" indistinctly, for simplicity) (i.e. release_local_stake
Release Lien (i.e. release_cross_stake
Remote unstaking is initiated by the user on the external-staking contract (i.e. external-staking unstake
This is because unstaking requires an unbonding period to be enforced. Only after that unbonding period is over, the external-staking
contract allows the user to withdraw the unbonded amounts (i.e. withdraw_unbonded
). And only then it sends a message to the vault contract,
to release the associated lien (i.e. release_cross_stake
Commit Tx (i.e. commit_tx
Though this is a public handler, it is only meant to be called by external-staking contracts. This finalises the remote staking process
successfully, and updates the vault state accordingly.
Rollback Tx (i.e. rollback_tx
Though this is a public handler, it is only meant to be called by external-staking contracts. This aborts the remote staking process
in case of error, and rollbacks the vault state accordingly.
TODO: Slashing is not part of MVP, and will be implemented in a future version of mesh-security.
- Increase Slashing(user, lien_holder)?
TODO: Increase slashing is not part of MVP, and will be implemented in a future version of mesh-security.
For MVP, Slashable Collateral and Maximum Lien can be up to 100% of total Collateral.