FileWriter writes image data and metadata to HDF5 files. Currently, there are two different formats available. One is a legacy format that follows version 1.4 of the NXmx application definition of the NeXus format. The second one follows the NXmx application definition of NeXus Version 2024.02, this is the format described in this document.
Format | Configuration | NeXus/NXmx Version | Multi-Channel Data |
"hdf5 nexus legacy nxmx" |
SIMPLON | NeXus 3.2 NXmx (2016) | No |
"hdf5 nexus v2024.2 nxmx" |
SIMPLON | NeXus v2024.02 NXmx | Yes |
FileWriter can be enabled and configured using the SIMPLON API.
The configuration interface is accessible at http://<ADDRESS_OF_DCU>/filewriter/api/1.8.0/config
Parameter | JSON Type | Default | Description |
mode |
string | "disabled" |
Enabled state of the FileWriter, either "enabled" or "disabled" . |
compression_enabled |
boolean | true |
Optionally disable compression of image data. Note: Compression is required for full detector performance, disabling compression may lead to data loss at high frame rates. |
image_nr_start |
number | 1 |
Unsigned integer defining the first image id on the axis /entry/image_id . |
name_pattern |
string | "series_$id" |
Base name of the files. $id will be replaced by the series id, i.e. using the default, the generated files will have the names:series_<series_id>_master.h5 series_<series_id>_data_<file_number>.h5 |
nimages_per_file |
number | 1000 |
Unsigned integer defining the maximum number of images stored in each data file. If set to 0 , all images are stored directly in the master file and no data files are created. If set to a value greater than zero, the images are stored in multiple data files. |
format |
string | "hdf5 nexus legacy nxmx" |
Format of the files.
FileWriter may be configured with cURL.
curl \
-X PUT \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"mode": {"value": "enabled"}, "format": {"value": "hdf5 nexus v2024.2 nxmx"}}' \
Files are stored locally (in memory) on the DCU and may be accessed over HTTP.
Files are not stored persistently and all data will be lost on reboot.
# list available files
curl $ADDRESS_OF_DCU/filewriter/api/1.8.0/status/files
# file access
curl -O $ADDRESS_OF_DCU/data/<name_pattern>_master.h5
curl -O $ADDRESS_OF_DCU/data/<name_pattern>_data_<file_number>.h5
For further details on available commands and status parameters please refer to the SIMPLON API documentation.
One of the main new features of the "hdf5 nexus v2024.2 nxmx"
format is the support of multi-channel data, i.e. each image consists of multiple channels, one per enabled threshold/difference mode. The dataset /entry/data/data
is four-dimensional with shape [nP, nC, i, j]
, the notation used is defined here. The channels are identified via strings given in the channel
axis of the NXdata class. For every channel name listed in this field, there exists a subgroup of the NXdetector group of type NXdetector_channel with the same name followed by the suffix _channel
. This group contains channel-specific metadata, for example threshold_energy
, flatfield
or pixel_mask
An NXdetector_channel group could contain every field that is allowed for NXdetector and that makes sense to be given per channel.
For example, if threshold_1
, threshold_2
and difference
are enabled, we would get the following:
data: NXdata
@signal = "data"
@axes = ["image_id", "channel", ".", "."]
@image_id_indices = 0
@channel_indices = 1
@default_slice = [".", "threshold_1", ".", "."]
image_id = [1, ..., nP]
channel = ["threshold_1", "threshold_2", "difference"]
data = uint[nP, nC, i, j]
detector: NXdetector
threshold_1_channel: NXdetector_channel
threshold_energy = float
flatfield = float[i, j]
pixel_mask = uint[i, j]
threshold_2_channel: NXdetector_channel
threshold_energy = float
flatfield = float[i, j]
pixel_mask = uint[i, j]
difference_channel: NXdetector_channel
threshold_energy = float[2]
pixel_mask = uint[i, j]
A FileWriter file following the "hdf5 nexus v2024.2 nxmx"
format is structured into the following (HDF5) groups:
+-- entry
+-- data
+-- instrument
| |
| +-- beam
| +-- detector
| |
| +-- threshold_1_channel
| +-- threshold_2_channel
| +-- difference_channel
| +-- geometry
| +-- module
| +-- transformations
+-- sample
| |
| +-- transformations
| +-- beam
+-- source
A file generated within "hdf5 nexus v2024.2 nxmx"
format may contain the fields and attributes listed below. For further details and descriptions please refer to the provided links to the NeXus definitions.
The following symbols will be used (in accordance with the NeXus documentation):
nP: Number of images
nC: Number of channels
i: Height of one image
j: Width of one image
Name | NeXus Type | Description |
@default | NX_CHAR | Declares which NXentry group contains the data to be shown by default. |
The top-level NeXus group contains all the data and associated information that comprise a single measurement.
Name | NeXus Type | Description |
@NX_class | NX_CHAR | "NXentry" |
@default | NX_CHAR | Declares which NXdata group contains the data to be shown by default. |
@version | NX_CHAR | Describes the version of the NXmx definition used to write this data. |
@DECTRIS_lab_geometry | NX_CHAR | DECTRIS specific attribute that specifies the coordinate system used. Fixed to "mcstas", which is the system used in NeXus. |
definition | NX_CHAR | NeXus NXDL schema to which this file conforms, "NXmx" . |
end_time_estimated | NX_DATE_TIME | Estimated time/date of the last data point collected in UTC, following ISO 8601 with suffix Z. Note that the time zone of the beamline is provided in /entry/instrument/time_zone . |
program_name | NX_CHAR | Name of the program used to generate this file, "DECTRIS-DAQ" . |
program_name@version | NX_CHAR | Version number of the program used to generate this file. |
start_time | NX_DATE_TIME | ISO 8601 time/date of the first data point collected in UTC. |
Describes the plottable data and related dimension scales. Please also refer to Multi-Channel Data for further details.
Name | NeXus Type | Description |
@NX_class | NX_CHAR | "NXdata" |
@axes | NX_CHAR[4] | String array that defines the independent data fields used in the default plot for all of the dimensions of the /entry/data/data field, "image_id, channel, ".", "." . |
@image_id_indices | NX_INT | Indicates the dependency relationship of the image_id field with a dimension of the data, in this case 0 . |
@start_time_indices | NX_INT | Indicates the dependency relationship of the start_time field with a dimension of the data, in this case 0 . |
@channel_indices | NX_INT | Indicates the dependency relationship of the channel field with a dimension of the data, in this case 1 . |
@signal | NX_CHAR | Declares which field is the default to be plotted, "data" . |
@default_slice | NX_CHAR_OR_NUMBER | Defines which slice of data should be shown in a plot by default. |
image_id | NX_CHAR_OR_NUMBER[] | Dimension scale defining the axis image_id of the data, typically this is [1, ..., nP] . |
start_time | NX_CHAR_OR_NUMBER[] | Dimension scale defining the axis start_time of the data. These are the relative start times for all images with absolute reference /entry/start_time . |
channel | NX_CHAR_OR_NUMBER[] | Dimension scale defining the axis channel of the data. These are the enabled channels, for example ["threshold_1", "threshold_2", "difference"] . |
data | NX_NUMBER[nP,nC,i,j] | The image data. Note: Files in "hdf5 nexus v2024.2 nxmx" format always have only one "/entry/data/data" dataset, even in case nimages_per_file is greater than 0 . This is because it is a Virtual Dataset. |
Collection of the components of the instrument or beamline.
Name | NeXus Type | Description |
@NX_class | NX_CHAR | "NXinstrument" |
name | NX_CHAR | Name of the instrument. |
time_zone | NX_DATE_TIME | ISO 8601 time_zone offset from UTC. |
Properties of the neutron or X-ray beam.
Name | NeXus Type | Description |
@NX_class | NX_CHAR | "NXbeam" |
incident_energy | NX_FLOAT | Energy carried by each particle of the beam on entering the beamline component. |
@flux | NX_CHAR | Which field contains the measured flux. One of "flux" , "total_flux" , "flux_integrated" , or "total_flux_integrated" . |
incident_energy@units | NX_ENERGY | "eV" |
incident_wavelength | NX_FLOAT | Wavelength of the beam in the case of monochromatic beam. |
incident_wavelength@units | NX_WAVELENGTH | "angstrom" |
flux | NX_FLOAT | Flux density incident on beam plane area in photons per second per unit area. In the case of a beam that varies in flux shot-to-shot, this is an array of values, one for each recorded shot. This value is set with the SIMPLON API keys flux_type = "flux" and flux_value . |
flux@units | NX_FLUX | "1/s/cm^2" |
total_flux | NX_FLOAT | Flux incident on beam plane in photons per second. In other words, this is the flux integrated over the area. In the case of a beam that varies in flux shot-to-shot, this is an array of values, one for each recorded shot. This value is set with the SIMPLON API keys flux_type = "flux_area_integrated" and flux_value . |
total_flux@units | NX_FREQUENCY | "Hz" |
flux_integrated | NX_FLOAT | Flux density incident on beam plane area in photons per unit area. In other words this is the flux integrated over time. In the case of a beam that varies in flux shot-to-shot, this is an array of values, one for each recorded shot. This value is set with the SIMPLON API keys flux_type = "flux_time_integrated" and flux_value . |
flux_integrated@units | NX_PER_AREA | "1/cm^2" |
total_flux_integrated | NX_FLOAT | Flux incident on beam plane in photons. In other words this is the flux integrated over time and area. In the case of a beam that varies in total flux shot-to-shot, this is an array of values, one for each recorded shot. This value is set with the SIMPLON API keys flux_type = "flux_area_and_time_integrated" and flux_value . |
total_flux_integrated@units | NX_DIMENSIONLESS | "s*cm^2/s/cm^2" |
Name | NeXus Type | Description |
@NX_class | NX_CHAR | "NXdetector" |
beam_center_x | NX_FLOAT | The x position of the direct beam on the detector. |
beam_center_x@units | NX_LENGTH | "pixel" |
beam_center_y | NX_FLOAT | The y position of the direct beam on the detector. |
beam_center_y@units | NX_LENGTH | "pixel" |
bit_depth_readout | NX_INT | Bit depth of the internal readout. |
count_time | NX_FLOAT | Exposure time per image. |
count_time@units | NX_TIME | "s" |
countrate_correction_applied | NX_BOOLEAN | Indicates whether count rate correction was applied. |
countrate_correction_lookup_table | NX_NUMBER[] | The countrate_correction_lookup_table defines the LUT used for count rate correction. It maps a measured count c to its corrected value countrate_correction_lookup_table[c] . |
depends_on | NX_CHAR | NeXus path to the detector positioner axis that most directly supports the detector. In the case of a single-module detector, the detector axis chain may start here. |
description | NX_CHAR | Detector type and model information. |
detector_readout_time | NX_FLOAT | Readout dead time between consecutive detector frames. |
detector_readout_time@units | NX_TIME | "s" |
distance | NX_FLOAT | Distance from the sample to the beam center on the detector. |
distance@units | NX_LENGTH | "m" |
flatfield_applied | NX_BOOLEAN | Indicates whether a flatfield has been applied. |
frame_time | NX_FLOAT | Time interval between the start of image acquisitions. This defines the speed of data collection and is the inverse of the frame rate, the frequency of image acquisition. |
frame_time@units | NX_TIME | "s" |
number_of_cycles | NX_INT | When auto-summation is enabled, each frame is constructed by summing multiple subframes. number_of_cycles is the number of summed subframes. If auto-summation is disabled, this field has the value 1 . |
pixel_mask_applied | NX_BOOLEAN | Indicates whether a pixel mask has been applied. |
saturation_value | NX_INT | The value at which the detector goes into saturation. Data above this value is known to be invalid. |
sensor_material | NX_CHAR | Material used for direct detection of X-rays in the sensor. |
sensor_thickness | NX_FLOAT | Thickness of the sensor material. |
sensor_thickness@units | NX_LENGTH | "m" |
serial_number | NX_CHAR | Serial number of the detector. |
start_time | NX_FLOAT[nP] | Relative start time for each frame, with /entry/start_time as absolute reference. |
type | NX_CHAR | Detector type, this is always "HPC" , short for hybrid photon counting detector. |
virtual_pixel_interpolation_applied | NX_BOOLEAN | Indicates whether virtual pixel interpolation has been applied. |
x_pixel_size | NX_FLOAT | Size of a single pixel along the x-axis of the detector. |
x_pixel_size@units | NX_LENGTH | "m" |
y_pixel_size | NX_FLOAT | Size of a single pixel along the y-axis of the detector. |
y_pixel_size@units | NX_LENGTH | "m" |
For every channel enabled, there will be one NXdetector_channel group containing metadata specific to that channel. For further details see Multi-Channel Data.
Name | NeXus Type | Description |
@NX_class | NX_CHAR | "NXdetector_channel" |
flatfield | NX_FLOAT[] | The flatfield applied to the channel data. |
pixel_mask | NX_UINT[] | The pixel mask applied to the channel data. In case of difference mode, this is a combination of the pixel masks corresponding to the upper and lower threshold, i.e. |
threshold_energy | NX_FLOAT or NX_FLOAT[2] | The threshold energy for this channel. In case of difference mode, this is an array containing both the upper and lower threshold energies. |
threshold_energy@units | NX_ENERGY | "eV" |
This group contains information on the orientation and position of the detector.
Given a pixel with detector coordinates
Please also refer to the NXtransformations documentation for further details on the representation of transformations and the depens_on
Name | NeXus Type | Description |
@NX_class | NX_CHAR | "NXtransformations" |
orientation | NX_FLOAT | Rotation angle of the detector. |
orientation@depends_on | NX_CHAR | "/entry/instrument/detector/geometry/translation" |
orientation@transformation_type | NX_CHAR | "rotation" |
orientation@units | NX_CHAR | "rad" |
orientation@vector | NX_FLOAT[3] | Unit vector describing the axis of the rotation. |
translation | NX_FLOAT | Length of the tranlslation. |
translation@depends_on | NX_CHAR | Either points to the next transformation in the execution chain (in case there is a "." . |
translation@transformation_type | NX_CHAR | "translation" |
translation@units | NX_CHAR | "m" |
translation@vector | NX_FLOAT[3] | Unit vector describing the direction of the translation. |
Geometry and logical description of a detector module. In our case, the full data array is represented as one single NXdetector_module.
Name | NeXus Type | Description |
@NX_class | NX_CHAR | "NXdetector_module" |
data_origin | NX_INT[2] | Indices of the data origin. The order of indices is slow to fast. |
data_size | NX_INT[2] | Size of one channel image in pixels, the order of indices is slow to fast. |
fast_pixel_direction | NX_NUMBER | Size of a pixel along the fastest varying pixel direction. |
fast_pixel_direction@depends_on | NX_CHAR | The "vector" attribute is given in lab coordinates, therefore this is "." . |
fast_pixel_direction@offset | NX_NUMBER[3] | A fixed offset applied before the transformation. |
fast_pixel_direction@transformation_type | NX_CHAR | "translation" |
fast_pixel_direction@units | NX_LENGTH | "m" |
fast_pixel_direction@vector | NX_NUMBER[3] | Unit vector describing the fastest varying pixel direction in lab coordinates. |
slow_pixel_direction | NX_NUMBER | Size of a pixel along the slowest varying pixel direction. |
slow_pixel_direction@depends_on | NX_CHAR | The "vector" attribute is given in lab coordinates, therefore this is "." . |
slow_pixel_direction@offset | NX_NUMBER[3] | A fixed offset applied before the transformation. |
slow_pixel_direction@transformation_type | NX_CHAR | "translation" |
slow_pixel_direction@units | NX_LENGTH | "m" |
slow_pixel_direction@vector | NX_NUMBER[3] | Unit vector describing the slowest varying pixel direction in lab coordinates. |
Name | NeXus Type | Description |
@NX_class | NX_CHAR | "NXtransformations" |
two_theta | NX_FLOAT[nP] | Starting |
two_theta@depends_on | NX_CHAR | "." |
two_theta@transformation_type | NX_CHAR | "rotation" |
two_theta@units | NX_ANGLE | "degree" |
two_theta@vector | NX_NUMBER[3] |
two_theta_end | NX_FLOAT[nP] |
two_theta_end@units | NX_ANGLE | "degree" |
two_theta_increment_set | NX_FLOAT | The intended average range through which |
two_theta_increment_set@units | NX_ANGLE | "degree" |
Group containing information on the sample.
Name | NeXus Type | Description |
@NX_class | NX_CHAR | "NXsample" |
depends_on | NX_CHAR | "/entry/sample/transformations/omega" |
name | NX_CHAR | Name of the sample. |
Group containing sample goniometer and other related axes.
Name | NeXus Type | Description |
@NX_class | NX_CHAR | "NXtransformations" |
chi | NX_FLOAT[nP] | Starting |
chi@depends_on | NX_CHAR | Points to the next transformation in execution order or "." . |
chi@transformation_type | NX_CHAR | "rotation" |
chi@units | NX_ANGLE | "degree" |
chi@vector | NX_NUMBER[3] |
chi_end | NX_FLOAT[nP] |
chi_end@units | NX_ANGLE | "degree" |
chi_increment_set | NX_NUMBER | The intended average range through which |
chi_increment_set@units | NX_ANGLE | "degree" |
kappa | NX_FLOAT[nP] | Starting |
kappa@depends_on | NX_CHAR | Points to the next transformation in execution order or "." . |
kappa@transformation_type | NX_CHAR | "rotation" |
kappa@units | NX_ANGLE | "degree" |
kappa@vector | NX_NUMBER[3] |
kappa_end | NX_FLOAT[nP] |
kappa_end@units | NX_ANGLE | "degree" |
kappa_increment_set | NX_NUMBER | The intended average range through which |
kappa_increment_set@units | NX_ANGLE | "degree" |
omega | NX_FLOAT[nP] | Starting |
omega@depends_on | NX_CHAR | Points to the next transformation in execution order or "." . |
omega@transformation_type | NX_CHAR | "rotation" |
omega@units | NX_ANGLE | "degree" |
omega@vector | NX_NUMBER[3] |
omega_end | NX_FLOAT[nP] |
omega_end@units | NX_ANGLE | "degree" |
omega_increment_set | NX_FLOAT | The intended average range through which |
omega_increment_set@units | NX_ANGLE | "degree" |
phi | NX_FLOAT[nP] | Starting |
phi@depends_on | NX_CHAR | Points to the next transformation in execution order or "." . |
phi@transformation_type | NX_CHAR | "rotation" |
phi@units | NX_ANGLE | "degree" |
phi@vector | NX_NUMBER[3] |
phi_end | NX_FLOAT[nP] |
phi_end@units | NX_ANGLE | "degree" |
phi_increment_set | NX_NUMBER | The intended average range through which |
phi_increment_set@units | NX_ANGLE | "degree" |
Group containing information about the neutron or x-ray storage ring/facility.
Name | NeXus Type | Description |
@NX_class | NX_CHAR | "NXsource" |
name | NX_CHAR | Name of the source. |