description |
Insert a file into Pinot from Query Console |
{% hint style="info" %} This feature is supported after the 0.11.0 release. Reference PR: apache/pinot#8557 {% endhint %}
- Ensure you have available Pinot Minion instances deployed within the cluster.
- Pinot version is 0.11.0 or above
- Parse the query with the table name and directory URI along with a list of options for the ingestion job.
- Call controller minion task execution API endpoint to schedule the task on minion
- Response has the schema of table name and task job id.
INSERT INTO [database.]table FROM FILE dataDirURI OPTION ( k=v ) [, OPTION (k=v)]*
SET taskName = 'myTask-s3';
SET input.fs.className = 'org.apache.pinot.plugin.filesystem.S3PinotFS';
SET input.fs.prop.accessKey = 'my-key';
SET input.fs.prop.secretKey = 'my-secret';
SET input.fs.prop.region = 'us-west-2';
INSERT INTO "baseballStats"
FROM FILE 's3://my-bucket/public_data_set/baseballStats/rawdata/'
We are actively developing this feature...
The details will be revealed soon.