The project uses dotnet core 3.1
and entity framework core code first
to manage database access layer.
Current backend
version supports only MS SQL
The project uses StyleCop to enforce common styling across the project. StyleCop generates warnings, while dotnet-projects are set to treat warnings as errors, which causes build failure on styling violation.
Some StyleCop rules are diable with GlobalSuppressions.cs
file, which is included as link to each project. The suppressions file is the consensus between development team at the moment of writing. In general, it's not suggested to make changes to suppressions file. Any concerns related to the styling rules should be raised to the dev-team via github-issues.
The recommended way to manage database localy is through ef core cli and local MS SQL instance.
Once the ef core cli
is installed, the local database instance could be provisioned with dotnet ef database update
. The command uses Connection String specified in JosekiDbContext class, which points to localdb by default.
The Joseki project already has several EF migrations in Joseki Migrations folder.
Each migration is a set of changes, that Entity Framework applies to a database: adding new tables, modifying existing one, insert data or migrate data from one table to another. Existing migrations already has samples for each of these cases.
To add a new migration to the project:
- update
object andentities
objects according to the needs; - run
dotnet ef migrations add MIGRATION_NAME
; - review generated migration files and update them if needed;
- test created migration on localdb with
dotnet ef database update
NOTE: EF auto-generate c# code, which should be carefully reviewed and adjusted correspondingly. For example, added changeset might drop a column or index, whihc might cause undesired data-loss. Some of existing migration objects already did a similar task.
NOTE2: The project uses StyleCop to enforce common styling. To skip validation of auto-generated files, add // <auto-generated />
instruction at the very top of a file and add #pragma warning disable 1591
Joseki has quite flexible configuration, which consist of Database and Blob Storage connection strings, cache properties, and others.
In most cases, during the development process access to real Blob Storage service is not required. The rest of configuration Joseki reads from config file. Use these environment variable to tune local environment:
to switch off blob-storage related code;DEV_JOSEKI_AUTH_ENABLED=false
to enable/disable authentication,JOSEKI_CONFIG_FILE_PATH
to specify absolute path to configuration file;ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development
to turn-off database migration.
The sample usage of these three parameters could be found at local_development
The sample config file is attached to unit-tests project: config.sample.yaml.
To build the sources: dotnet build ./
To run unit tests: dotnet test ./
To start: dotnet run --project ./ --launch-profile local_development
To run the application:
docker build --target webapp --build-arg var_environment=Development -t joseki-backend:latest .
docker run -v $JOSEKI_CONFIG_FILE_PATH:/app/config.yaml -e JOSEKI_CONFIG_FILE_PATH=/app/config.yaml -e DEV_JOSEKI_BLOB_STORAGE_ENABLED=false -p 5001:8080 --rm -it joseki-be:latest
When service is running, it serves swagger interface at http://localhost:5001/swagger
The used models documentation could be found at Schemas