HTTP service interface to the Eiga reviews data, using Maru and Sqlite.Ecto.
This project provides access to all the Eiga data. I didn't complete the bundling of the project into a release.
This project is written in Elixir. In order to build and run it, you will need to install Elixir. On Mac OS X, if you have homebrew installed, this can be done with:
brew install elixir
To load dependencies and compile the project:
mix deps.get
mix compile
To create the SQLite database and load the table definitions:
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate
sqlite3 eiga.sqlite3 .schema
Run tests from the root directory with:
mix test
To launch the application along with an interactive shell:
iex -S mix
This should expose endpoints such as:
This project is configured to use distillery to build a release.
MIX_ENV=prod mix release --env prod
The release can then be run with:
cd rel/eiga
./bin/eiga console
The following endpoints are supported.
Returns a list of all reviewed movies.
[ { "id": 6, "year": 1999, "title": "Shiri", "short_title": "shiri", "country": "South Korea" }
, { "id": 7, "year": 1999, "title": "Nowhere to Hide", "short_title": "nowhere2hide", "country": "South Korea" }
, { "id": 8, "year": 1983, "title": "Evil Dead", "short_title": "evildead", "country": "U.S." }
Enter a new movie into the system. Returns the ID of the movie. Returns 201 if a new movies is created, 200 if the movie already exists.
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"title": "The Goonies", "short_title": "goonies", "year": 1985, "country": "U.S."}'
Get an individual movie by ID. (Note that the IDs are not stable in test mode.)
{ "year": 2006, "title": "Finishing the Game", "id": 622, "country": "U.S." }
Get an individual movie by short title.
{ "year": 1999, "title": "Shiri", "id": 6, "country": "South Korea" }
Enter a new movie into the system, providing the "short title" through the URL. Returns the ID of the movie. Returns 201 if a new movies is created, 200 if the movie already exists.
curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"title": "The Goonies", "year": 1985, "country": "U.S."}'
Get movie reviews. Because the amount of data, reviews must be paginated. Calling the endpoint without query parameters will return the first ten results.
[ { "year": 1999, "view_date": "2000-12-23"
, "review": "<p>I started hearing about this ...."
, "movie": "Shiri", "location": "DVD at home", "country": "South Korea" }
, { "year": 1999, "view_date": "2000-12-23", ,,, }
Using pagination:
curl ''
curl ''
[ { "year": 1994, "view_date": "2001-01-12"
, "review":"<p>OK, I've already seen this movie a number of times. ..."
, "movie": "Drunken Master II", "location": "DVD at home"
, "country": "Hong Kong"
curl ''
[ { "year": 1994, "view_date": "2001-01-12"
, "review":"<p>OK, I've already seen this movie a number of times. ..."
, "movie": "Drunken Master II", "location": "DVD at home"
, "country": "Hong Kong"
, { "year": 1994, "view_date": "2004-06-07"
, "review": "<p>I hadn't watched this movie in a while and ...."
, "movie": "Drunken Master II", "location":"DVD at home"
, "country": "Hong Kong"