A tiny program to control the GPIO pins on the board.
Refer to the top-level README for instructions on building.
# (on the VM) sftp the executable into the BBB
> put build/bin/gpio
./gpio <pin> <command> <target> [input]
* <pin>: (pin formatted as "p8_16")
* <command>: "read" or "write"
* <target>: "value" or "direction"
* <input>: (used only with write commands)
# Example: set pin p9_12 as output and and turn it on
./gpio p9_12 write direction out
./gpio p9_12 write value 1
# Example: set pin p8_16 as input with internal pull-up resistor and read its value
./gpio p8_16 write direction in+
./gpio p8_16 read value