The configuration files in this repository and the relative setup scripts are tailored to my use cases, use at your own risk
- xorg
- xorg-xinit
- rofi [application launcher]
- dunst [notification daemon]
- alacritty [terminal emulator]
- feh [wallpaper drawing]
- curl
- sudo
- eza [ls replacement]
- iw [used by wifi-status script]
- ranger [TUI file manager]
- ueberzug [used by ranger to display images in the terminal]
- polkit
- network-manager-applet [systray network utility]
- noto-fonts
- noto-fonts-cjk
- noto-fonts-emoji
- wget
- gnome-keyring
- firefox
- gnome-themes-extra
- nemo
- lxappearance
- wireshark-qt
- tmux
- btop
- xclip
- bash-completion
- rustup
- otf-font-awesome
- fuzzel
- fontforge [necessary for waybar glyphs]
- waybar
- gsfonts
- bat
- opendoas
- micro
- dash
- pacman-contrib [provides checkupdates]
- fish
- ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd
- hyperfine
- flameshot
- zig
- zls
- polkit-gnome
- go
- hyprland
- hyprpaper
- tldr
- linux-headers
- grim
- slurp
- handbrake
- filezilla
- mypy
- zed
- paru
- pikaur
- pfetch-rs
- visual-studio-code-bin
- gksu [root privileges for rofi launched applications]
- wlr-randr
- swaylock-effects
- i3lock-color
- gruvbox-dark-gtk
- gruvbox-dark-icons-gtk
- nordic-theme-git
- papirus-folders-nordic
- ueberzugpp
- dracula-gtk-theme
- dracula-icons-git